Dee, what is the web address for the site you were referring to? I love looking at wall paper and haven't done it in years.

I wish I could remember what we used to get the wallpaper off. They do have a steamer that you can rent. I think we've done that approach. I seem to remember coating the paper with warm water. Does that make sense?

One time we needed to get more wallpaper and the next batch should have been the same but it was made at tiddferent time and so the colors weren't as bright. IT was a nightmare. All the former paper had to come back down and we had to begin again with paper from all the same batch.

One thing I recall from my wall papering days was that when hanging it, I used a straight edge, 12 inch ruler in addition to the wallpaper brush right after I hung it. Running the ruler over the paper got the excess glue to come out the sides of the paper and really made it adnere well.

Hope this helps. It's been a long time but I've done some papering in my life so if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.