There are bad foods I am attracted to. Well, you know... Pastries, goat & brie cheese, etc. I need to live in Mongolia to never, never touch / want them.

But there are foods that I don't voluntarily buy/order to have myself. 'Cause I genuinely never enjoyed it for decades:

*deep fried foods --I only have deep fried foods several times a year. Usually it's fries on the side with entree. Alot of deep fried fish/seafood with deep fried batter is abomination to me..because to me, it covers up the natural real taste of the seafood itself. So fish and chips turns me off. But grilled/baked/steamed/raw fish turns me on! Yea, true I don't care alot for deep fried egg rolls. There's rice paper rolls or all sort of dim sum /appetizers that are yummier.

*carbonated drinks-- pop. Honest I just pass up on any can and grab for the fruit juices/drinks. Carbonation bloats me...leaving me no rm. to enjoy other different food.

*beer --never cared for the taste. Ever. At university I failed the pub night out. Wine any day, please. I have no clue about cocktails and martinis.

*chewing/bubblegum- honest even as a kid, I never wanted much of it. Leaves a tired taste in mouth after 10 min. of chewing gum. Ho-hum.

*pecan pie or any sugar pie. Please explain to me the joy of this. Way too much sugar. Give me a natural fruit pie/flan/tarte.

I'm sorry if I bashed your favourite food. I have a long, long list of favourite foods. But I wanna hear everyone's list. Not food that you just simply dislike.

It has to be calorie decadent /sinful food that you don't eat. because you genuinely don't like the food.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)