
We've been to Boston in August and we had to start wiping ourselves with wet baby wipes and pouring water on our heads. We had no idea that it would be so hot that far north of our home in Maryland.

Today, it's 100 here. I just came home from the orthopeadic Dr. and i can tell you that there were plenty of parking places around the medical building. Lots of canceled appts., too said his nurse.

Personally, I don't mind, because I'm inside in the air conditioning. But, I feel sorry for all of the tourists in DC. I've been down there many a time with out of town visitors. It's killer heat when it's 90 and above. On more than one occasion, guests and I thought seriously of accidently tripping and falling into the reflecting pool.

I did go out and put some beach umbrellas around our pond. We don't want our pet Koi to slow cook!

Other than those two trips, I'm in and reading Eat, Pray Love.

Tonight, I need to go to the store for some dark chocolate. For medicinal purposes, of course!

Stay cool everyone,

Emily in Maryland