yea desensitisasion to this stuff becouse of high or constant exposure to thing it last a lot longer with the people shot at or killed they be effected longer by such things.

i glad to know it aint effecting you too much its easie to get fearfull and overlie fearfull to such things at times. In that case then catiouse desensitasasion (sp) be prefriable eh!

yea i don't know the answere or have a clue about what people can do about reporters etc. reporting this stuff and doing it sensitivlie thats not out to sensasionalise a situasion but take it seriouslie....

its just a shame that this stuffs in the world and how the worlds opperating at the mommnt.

well not the world just some people in the world, if ya know what i mean.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn