Today I went to the school to help the staff deal with the situation. Of course, gangs were mentioned. There had been tagging all over the building, but no one recognized the tags. It was probably an in school gang (we call them wannabees) and they can do as much, if not more damage than a real gang.

Why and how more? Because they are not as organized and do stupid things.

I have to ask, why are so few concerned enough to reply to this? (I am not challenging here, really) Is it because if there are not massive deaths it doesn't seem so real? Is it because, if it is not national news, it does not count?

This is real. It happened in the life of someone you know. No one died, but it wasn't for lack of trying. If we only pay attention to the BIG news, lots of death, and such, then people will start acting big.

Sorry, I just felt the need to sound off.