My first posting! I read the article in the Baltimore Sun about this site and decided to investigate. When I saw the posts about gardening, I had to look further. My back yard was a plot of grass when we moved here 17 years ago. I started in one corner- dug up the grass and made a little flower bed. I planted some daylilies from my grandmothers yard in New York. Then the kids outgrew the swing set so my father helped me take that down and I put in some raised beds for vegetables. Well, over the years the daylilies needed to be divided and things just grew. The grassy area is a lot smaller now and the flower beds go around the whole yard. The flowers and trees are a haven for the dog and me and the birds who love to visit and sing for me. After I dug the last flower bed, my husband said he hoped I was done- not a chance! Even after working all day, I love to go out and dig in the dirt- it is my relaxation. No one bothers me out there!!!