Your yard is lovely! Thanks for sharing!

Jane that is soooo lucky to have neighbors do all the work and still get to enjoy the fruits of their labor!

Hannalore, we took down a bunch of pines here too but we did it 2 years ago! I find it so funny that we are doing the same things to our yards when we live sooo far away from each other!

My front yard is basically done for this year. Only have to do maintenance now. Yippee! Took us 3 years! I'm receiving compliments like crazy from the neighbors, who I might add were the same people who yelled at us when we took all the trees down. I guess they didn't think we were going to replant anything.

Of course you are never really done but for now, I'm very happy with it! We even have some decent grass growing!

Backyard is a whole 'nother story! We've got 3/4 of an acre so I'll probably need another 3 years to get that part looking good! So anyway, I've been working back there, weeding and preparing a flower and vegetable bed. Just taking it section by section. Eventually I'll get it looking as good as the front.
Where I've been lately