Hey Ladies,

Another wee update.

Dotsie, I have just finished listening to your radio inerveiw via the link you posted....what a treat to get to hear how committed and passionate you are about your vision. I love how you link your faith in what you do.
Re selling my stuff state-side...oh yes please. When I become a little more established we can get that up and running.
'Marconi's Cottage' is a legend now...I keep running into tutors, tecnicians who were here (85/86) and the likes who are keen to hear how I came full circle to be back at 'The Cass' again.
I have been deposited all over the Uni to speak with other classes form undergrad to MA,about what I have already done and what my dreams are for the future.
The last week has been great...one of next weeks projects is to make a map using mixed media to demonstrate how I came to be back here in London....so some of my research has been based on some of my old posts in the forums(just had a wee trip down memory lane)...I have been sitting here reading back over my personal journey in boomerland....wow!!!!How much history already?? How much support from all concerned in here and elswhere??? How amazing is this site??

It has only been one month of teaching and I have learned so much. I am so very fortunate to have this chance at living my dream for sure. (Oh gush, gush gush)

As much as I thank god for my experiences, again I thank all who have supported me from the time I joined up with boomers.

Much Love and thanks
