bit more time child at school my and i am watting for my hair couler to develop..

she went with a little art and some jewlarie. One pice she made when she was 17, technikallie brilliant a built up 3 dimensional cottage house about 2 cm high by 1 cm across and 2 cm wide, with windows and doors and chimnie etc....and she made that when she was so young lol....

other pices of jewlarie much simplear desine but showing all the silversmithing skills and stone setting she ever need as a jewlare....(and working with diffrent metails like tatanium) etc...

we gotta rember she been at this universitie before (one of the best in europe)and made the grade then as she did now....and this is a steap up for her in terms of desine and updatted skills...and gives her a chances to become an expert in things like hand engraving or gem setting...theirs a big gapp in the market heer for those types of skills as theirs no experts and everie one has to send work to be done away from ireland

so good for her-self worth and a good bussiness move.

so it seems po the onlie one with doubt in herself lol...and she can still hardlie belive it, its verie sweet...
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn