Eeeeoooowwww!! Funny but gross, geeze, do I need to start looking for stray hairs too??!!

I've never noticed anything strange in that department yet. I shave places many people wouldn't but don't think hairs on toes were a problem. Now I'm looking at my feet and wondering if I need to exfoliate them??!! Do people really care if you have toe hairs? They're blonde and only on the big ones? I'm totally grossed out by crusty feet. I mean TOTALLY..cracked heels, crusty pads and all. I'd much rather see a toe hair or two than a nasty callous.

In France underarm and leg hair are considered sexy. I used to have a love trail from my navel down then after having my first child it mysteriously disappeared. I missed it!

Some natural hair is good. In FL it gets so hot that some areas need to be free to "breathe" as someone else put it in another post so those get shaved but thankfully I've never noticed a moustache or strays anywhere.

I arch my own eyebrows. Used to have a unibrow as a teen..thank you mom for taking me to your favorite hairdresser for my first eyebrow arch.

Gee, you all have given me something to look forward to. I'm still searching for zits at 57! Now, that's unfair!
Aarikja Ann