I use photographic paper for printing. We invested in a great printer for Christmas that prints up to 13 by 19 and will also print on a roll up to 40" long. It will also print on all the art papers like canvas, velvet, etc. But any decent color printer will print photos. I had an older printer I bought for under $100 some time ago that prints great pictures but the size is limited. We buy photographic paper at the office supply store and stock up when it's on sale. I also have a couple of software programs that I use to edit the photographs, though they are still on my old computer as I haven't had the time to move everything over yet. I love playing with the pictures and using different effects in the software. I also use my pictures to make greeting cards - I set them up and print using greeting card paper or card stock.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich