Thanks to everyone for their kind words of support.

Jaw-Jaw mentioned the seed implant, and that's the treatment option my husband chose. He came through the procedure with flying colors, and his doctor stated he could not be more pleased with how it all went. In a matter of but a few days, my husband was up and about, and doing quite well. Though pain medication had been prescribed, he did not feel it necessary to make use of it.

He will now begin the outer radiation treatments, once a day, five days a week, for six weeks. These treatments will have no ill effect on my husband. They are given in order to maintain a certain level of radiation in the implanted gold seeds, and to zap any cancer cells that may have leaked from the prostate gland into other parts of the body. This follow-up treatment I felt was just good old common sense, and part of the reason we opted for the seed implant.

My husband was fortunate to have been accepted for treatment by the doctors at the clinics here in Atlanta, established by Dr. Frank Critz, a pioneer in the treatment of prostate cancer.

Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia

When I did research, and discovered the cure rate was exactly the same, for the implants, as for radical surgery, for early stage prostate cancer, and that my husband would need not suffer through a long and often painful recovery period, the implants seemed the right choice. We all know, Ladies, how much of a toll on a person, major surgery can take.

My husband and I remain optimistic that the treatments will be fully effective.

As someone mentioned here, prostate cancer is rarely the cause of death, for men. It is a slow growing cancer, though, as our doctor told us, not as slow growing as originally believed. The real danger for men, is the possibility of leakage of cancer cells from the prostate into adjoining areas of the body, where they become more aggressive in growth.
Jeannine Schenewerk

[i]'It's never too late in Fiction-- or in Life to Revise.'
---Nancy Thayer