ANNO as long as its to a loving god i don't mind either, ya know me god universal spirite, devine being all same entitie just diffrent names..

The onlie time i get botherd or dont want someone to pray for me is when i think/know their praying for somthing SPACIFIC for me...i got a strong sence of faith in prayers therfore consider it rude to ask for something spacific for someone and applie and aske others to grant me the same to me in reverse.....

Physics has long time shown that thought affects matter. Prayer is focused thought therfore can effect matter, put god behind that and thats one big lump of energie....

i don't consider myself as knowing whats right for me (outside of gods will) so wouldn't presume to know whats right for another. So my praying is always generall ie love , health, good fortune etc...If i do get spacifik i end it with in accordance to devine or universal will, ....the your will be done not mine, is my favourite one.
It may sound complicated but it aint.

My mum was in a coma for 1 day i wanted her to live, said so to god but ended with "your will be done not mine" continued in that fashion and she diead the next day....My conclusion, that WAS gods will not that prayer didn't work...

The route learned prayers, our fathers, hail marie etc i think a bost of focus towards god that god then dose what in their best intrests or what is devine will anyway...

I love prayer in irish as po said it dose sound butifull. She learned how to pray this way so sometimes its hard for her to translate into english, some spacific wee prayers. LOLA youd love it your accent would suite it. Po talking about doing you a phonetic chart so you could pronce it right, its verie melodic.

NEWLEAF are you talking about talking in tounges....with the diffrent language????

I pmed someone a question about a prayer titled "hail holie queen" po says it irish, i heard it before so think it not necasarilie irish but is catholic....One great line in it is "divert thyn holie eyes towards us" as...etc. I get her to write the whole thing...Anyone know this or is it irish afterall....LOLA do you know this one?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn