I don't know how to describe it but I'll try. I live in a state of constant connectedness like my thoughts are conversation with Christ. Any news that comes to my mind automatically is transferred as prayer or conversation with Christlike we are constantly connected (?)

An example of that is while watching the news, I hear a story of a newsman who is killed in Iraq and my heart, mind and spirit automatically reacts in prayer, "Oh, God, in the name of Jesus, please comfort his family!" and at that moment all my senses are involved, my heart, mind and spirit.

When I've had too much to drink or are afraid for some reason, even then, I ask for help on many levels. Sometimes I just have a premonition of tragedy or danger like the day Aaliyah almost drowned, right before my daughter called me, I had a vision of her in a pool underwater, then my daughter called me...at that very moment of the vision, I pleaded and pleaded for (1) it to just be bad pizza but (2) for her safety and wellbeing..while I was at it, I prayed for all my grandkids safety and my daughters and mom and dad too.
Aarikja Ann