i don't have a spacific stance i pray doing the dishes or feeding the child or when i can.....however if it a big hartfelt one or i am in need/sorrow/pain extreem gratitude...you know those big prayers for yourself or another thats soooo seriouse then i am on my knews or crossed leg infront of a wee statue, it helps me keep my focus and i gess seperrate it in my mind from just the normal types of praying...

i was talking about watching othes paray as part of a group, you dont get to know whats in their heads just by seeing them from the outside. Their stances lets you know their praying but not what going on in their head....well they might be thinking about the dinner as far as i know and just look like their praying lol...

DOTSIE i been waiting for you to post in spiritual section about paraying...lol..
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn