By "Our Father," do you mean the Lord's Prayer? Or, is there another prayer script by that name?
I do, on occasion use the Lord's Prayer, but it's usually a preface to a more pointed prayer.
Most of my prayers are fleeting snippets to "bless this", "relieve this", "handle that", "fix something else".

God knows all, sees all, feels all, hears all, is all... so I don't feel the need to get wordy with him. He knows where my heart is and where it needs to be. He knows what needs to be done and how to do it.

I find most of my prayers to simply be, "Lord, wrap your loving arms around so and so. He/she needs you right now."
Other times, it's a simple, "Thank you, Father, for being there and taking care of so and so."

I do know I don't tell him "thank you" enough, but maybe admitting it here will help me remember to do so.