chick, if it's a really bad feeling, I tell people I have the feelings about. Because I do that, I can't say that the events didn't come into fruition because my feeling was simply a feeling or didn't because I warned the other party. Sometimes I just tell others about the feeling I had or have. I give my action of telling others the same amount of credit I give for telling the party connected to my feeling. But, on occasion I have had feelings or thoughts and not shared them, and yes a couple of times something did happen. I made mental notes to tell my husband to watch them especially careful, but failed to. He is use to me telling him to beware "for I had a feeling." Just last month, I had a thought about one of the G/Ks hurting themselves on one of the bikes. The weekend after, one of the boys flipped his 4 wheeler. Coincidence? I couldn't tell you, but it sure was close.

I was excited, Anne, thinking I had that book in my library, but it turned out the title I have is "The Gift of Pain." I will look for that book, tho. It sounds very interesting.

The worries I'm really burdened with are the moments of fear I get upon wakening with a terrible feeling something is going to happen, or already has. Those moments happen all the time. I hope it is just hormones or anxiety, NL. I like trying to reason the feelings away. I pray too... a simple childhood practice of mine of praying a bubble around the person or persons. I sometimes still have a hard time shaking the feeling off, though, and end up warning or telling someone.

celtic, I consider the feelings coming from the subconscious as intuitive feelings. I don't know that I can label these feelings inutitive... they certainly seem clouded with "premonition."