i posted about this earlier today....but i was talking about that intuitive feeling when somthings not write and it isen't right. I spent a looooong time trying to work the diffrence out and still manage to mess it up and get them mixed up..
what jj said about going into the worrie and seeing what its about is stuff i have to do as i am as open to fear and worrie about my loved ones as the next person...To give an example the child will have a temp and in the night i want to cheek he ok a hundred times to make sure he ok. So their something to worrie about their but my head trying to turn it into a disaster. I a lot calmer about that and it had a lot to do with my feeling of loving him so much and not feeling deserving of him. Once i clicked into that the fear thing fall mostlie away...

I also hand over to god in faith that he look after things, so then i gotta trust the process....

the whole is it intutive feeling verses a fear feeling from the subconcise a hard one to seperate from within yourself becouse both can feel verie powerfull and scarrie.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn