Me too. We play video games and I got one of those huge Where's Waldo books and we spend time hunting for items. Aaliyah is on the verge of reading and she's only 4.

We work out in the yard and paint and feed and water the Guenia pigs. She loves to help me cook and she is the coffee maker in the family. Dublin loves science and medical books (not for the

We have been watching a mother Cardinal build her nest and lay eggs and sit on them. We did the research and are following along in reality watching the nestlings getting feathers and the dad taking over for the mom giving her a break. We have pet lizards that come out to greet us when we leave the house or come home and at night we sit in the porch swing and listen to the chicadas with candlelight and sip sweet tea and count the stars.

I don't miss TV.
Aarikja Ann