ARe sitcoms/series have underlying constant theme of materialistic? Perhaps I don't watch enough different sitcoms regularily.

However one of my favourite drama series, was "Six Feet Under", a U.S. drama series based on a family where 2 brothers own a family business funeral home after their father died. There's the older teenager daughter with red hair, Claire, etc.

Despite all the problems individual family members might have, they genuinely try to be a family, love/care one another each in their own wasy (with occasional) disagreements. Yes, times, where some family members were engaged in relationships that needed to be straightened out or just dropped because of a toxic personality, etc.

I loved the show because of its humanity...and the funeral business where for each show, the theme would open up on a tv reflective mediation of a person who just died, circumstances at point of death...and ended up the funeral home.

This is not religious, but the show in its heart, was spiritual and not about material /consumer things (except the time funeral business was threatened or a lover buying a small thing for someone).

The final episode actually took one forward of how each family member might look like just before death, when aged and at what point their life they each were, before they died.

Sad, somehow so real...meditative and reflective. It was a great finish to a great series. And clearly, even if we were/are married/coupled or have children: we enter into this world alone and we each, will leave this world alone. But a backward reflection for viewer who watched the series, that we have 1 life, live it with at some of your dreams fulfilled, love well and make the best of it.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)