Hey, I didn't know about the "no spitting" rule. Darn. I haven't been playing by the rules, then, have I?

Oh wait, "spitting" isn't the same as "dipping", is it. Okay, then, I'm good to go.


I actually love my husband more than words could ever say. That's not to say that I haven't thought about leaving a time or two. But running away has been my pattern for most of my life, and it's gotten me places where I don't want to go again. So I'm not going to run away this time.

I keep focusing on "Loving" instead of "Leaving", because I know I love him more than I'll love leaving. That gets me over his occasional lapses and emotional absenteeism (which is usually actually "distraction" on his part...one time he barely spoke to me for three days...I was a mess...but had to laugh when he finally sheepishly told me he had been mentally building a fountain for our front lawn! Our front lawn is barely bigger than a tablecloth...he must have had a tough time trying to mentally fit a decent-looking fountain into that tiny space!)

Anyway, I guess the bottom line for me is that I know to the core of my being that he loves me, and that makes all the difference. When that love isn't there, what's the point of putting up with all that crap? (no pun intended)