I've seen so many lives ruined and ended because of misdiagnosis and precription drugs that doctors dole out unsparingly. So I've become a true believer in trying natural remedies first. And top on the list is a change in diet.

There is an interesting article in the September 5th issue of "First" magazine that made so much sense to me that I decided to put their test to the test. It's working! I've lost seven pounds in the last 2 weeks and I haven't been able to lose more than 2 lbs a month for the last year and keep it off. I would hardly eat and I would lose 2 and gain 5 or so it seemed. Here is the gist of the article:
Even though your lab tests indicate a healthy thyroid, it doesn't mean that your thyroid is working up to speed. A sluggish thyroid as you know slows the metobolic process.
Try these strategies for a week. They are "designed to reveal even minor thyroid slowdowns(the kind blood tests consistently miss) If a slightly sluggish gland is to blame for your wieght problems these four steps will immediately begin to repair and restore your thyroid so it can function at its natural, healthy peak. And the changes will be dramatic:"

1. Eat at least one cup of fresh fruit or vegetables at every meal.

2. Limit soy to protect metabolism boositing hormones: No more than 9 oz. soy milk, 5 oz tofu or 3 tsp soy sauce or miso daily. The reason they prevent nutrients such as iodine and tyrosine(amino acid)that your body uses to produce thryoid hormones (T3 & T4) from doing their job.

3. Consume one serving of protein at every meal to make sure your body gets a steady supply of tyrosine. (1 oz nuts, 8 oz milk or yogurt, 1 egg, or 1 Tbs peanut butter or 4 oz poultry, meat or fish.)

4. Elimate these foods from you diet - Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips and other cruciferous veggies. These veggies contain Goitrogens and are so poerful that they can even trigger a full blown goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and they interfer with the absorption of iodine. Other goitrogens: pine nuts, cassava (tapioca)sweet potatoes and lima beans.

Be sure to drink at least six 8 oz glasses of water daily which will flush out the metabolic wastes produced when body fat is burned for fuel. Otherwise you may experience a lot of bloating.

This article also suggests reading "Is Your Thyroid Making You Fat" Autor is Sanford Siegal, MD

Hope you find this information useful