This is interesting...I thought I was just a typical scatter-brained artsy bohemian nut. You just described me, Dianne. I get distracted very easily. Maybe that's the way writers are. People used to call these symptoms interesting..maybe even creative…maybe even intelligent…
Am I wrong or am I right?
When I think back on my son's behaviour he was a jump up and down hyper kid. He was bored with school, couldn't concentrate, the clown of the class…and didn't make college.

Now he is the top manager in one of the biggest real-estate companies in Muenich…and is bringing in those mulas. Figure? His charisma and charm is his big asset. I wonder if I had suppressed his natural "liveliness" with drugs; if he still would have been himself.

I got to admit, I was never sure it would turn out all right. And we were often worried about him. If we had know about ADDS then, I probably would have put him on medication, just like you did, Dotsie.