Dotise ,
I was telling hubby the same thing I would rether be out in the garden if I could find it for the ice and snow and ice . We can now walk on top of the snow and can't even get to the wood pile and already tired of the boots . In fact I was in the Mall and the Macy's store boots were on sale a dime a dozon . I found a black pair to wear also and cheap on sale .

After we shoveled out the driveway the trucks came and put more snow on the end of the driveway and had to wait todays to get the ice chopped by hubby to get out of this house and it is bad in some spots out there . I would never go out sleighing now , people are getting killed by the ice on top of the snow .

Well, good news is heading our way , with warmer weather coming in this week to hopely melt this horrible mess .

Courage is very important
Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use .