I'm really bad and have splurges where I'll spend spend spend and then come back to my senses and go "oh my God, what did I just do?"

I spend on clothes. For me, for my husband and for my grandson.

I spend on books. I can't buy just one book. I have to by lots of books. Right now my To be Read pile stands at 16 books. Will that stop me from buying more if one catches my eye. Not!

I also spend on my dog and bird. I love to find toys for my bird. He has such fun with them. And, he destroys them in the process, so have to find replacements.

Those are my obsessions. Oh, and I am OCD about having more than enough TP in the house. I store the extra large packages out in the garage. Same with Paper towels. I get that way with food sometimes too. It's not just to have 1 of something, but 2 of something, so when I run out I can have a back up immediately and not have to wait to go to the grocery store.

Yes, it's an obsession.
"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
Claude M. Bristol
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