Books - I'm book poor - currently have over 2000 titles in my personal library. I was ordering online there for a bit and was feeling really bad about it, not having my own income and all. Asked my husband to give me a book allowance, as one of my orders came to $80+. He did @ $40 month... heehee, then I found PBS!!! Culled my unwanted titles and got me some MORE, MORE, MORE books. Now, I need more bookshelves. The 7 we have just will not hold all of mine, plus his computer manuals.

Other than that, I have little to spend money on but my GRANDS (good thing, since I have no job). I've cut back on that, tho, as they have everything they need and have to earn pretty much whatever else they want.

Last big purchase for myself was my stock of 32 live oak trees. But, I went to a tree farm auction to get them, so it wasn't really that big of a purchase. A buy a plant or two, here and there, but nothing that breaks the bank.