I've used L'Oreal for years. Being a child of the 60's, I had to have full face makeup on at all times. Some residule of that still haunts me - but hate having to put it on daily. As I age, my pores have enlarged - so using foundation just looks pitiful - glops of color pool in the pores.

I have been using a mineral powder for overall coverage - that's it. A little blush, eye brow powder to fill in the gaps from overplucking (rememeber when a full set of eyebrows were a no-no?? I'm still paying for that.)I line the upper lid with a taupe pencil and smudge it practically off, then just one coat of mascara.

I have smokers lines around my mouth (which nearly killed me - appeared overnight after going off of premrin..... The sad part is that I quit smoking 30 years ago - guess the damage was already done.) So, I wear a light beige lip color - no need draw further attention to the wrinkles, but need a little color more now than when I was younger.

I probably spend as much time as before. I remember my dear mom - I knew that she was loosing it when she stopped putting on her eyebrows. Of course, she was in her 80's - before vanity no longer was a big deal. That means I have another 20 years to go