I work outside as a groundskeeper--8 hours a day every day. It's winter in Russia.

My skin is cracked and almost blistered. I have salt dust blowing in my face all the time from the using salt we put on the pavement. It's been 10 degrees with a brutal north wind blowing. My face actually hurts from the salt and the cold and the wind. It gets hard and dry and literally cracks. I don't need this.

I've got enough lotion on my face right now that I nearly slide out of bed at night but by noon tomorrow it will be like parchment paper again.

Anybody have any brilliant suggestions? I have creams and lotions and vitamin oils but after the first few hours of work in the morning I'm burned. I'm gonna look like a 100 year old Kansas farmer pretty soon.

Coat myself in vasoline? (can't get it here)