I don't know what it is about this place...but you all activate my silly nerve.

Dianne, you can hold a speech here in Bavaria any time. I have an audience already for you;…. me, myself and I... (we won't count Hubby, he can't speak much English) tee hee.
Seriously I have looked up and investigated on getting speaking assignments for Allison. No luck. I just don't have the right strings to pull in that department.

Dotsie, does the vacant apartment belong to you? If so, I'd just furnish it and use it whenever you like. Sounds like a fantastic alternative. Ideally I would like a penthouse in Boston and one in Muenich. Then of course a summer cottage at the Cape, of course right on the ocean, another one in Ireland (near Celtic_Flame and Popea) and Tahiti would be nice ( although I've never been there), oh and a little of Italian Toscana to fill the itinerary.

I know…don't say it.

But if money didn't matter at all and you could bring your families with you, where would you all want to live?