HAnnelore, I love your sense of humor. You're a hoot. You're always dropping these little funnies all over the place.

Ross and I had this conversation about downsizing just this weekend. He has a practice in the city that is two buildings wide. He is only using the bottom floor so the upstairs is vacant. It's in a really neat section of the city with lots of things to do at your door step.

We were talking about renovating the upstairs, selling our four bedroom house and moving downtown. We were very caught up with the idea because we were down there celebrating our football team being in the playoffs. The city was so alive. There was so much activity and such a wonderful atmosphere.

We said we wouldn't do it until all the kids were through college. But then we began thinking of the future with grandkids and family visiting...and what would we do... the idea of keeping our home for the sake of entertaining and overnight guests seems to take priority. Lots to tihnk about.

I'm still all for staying put, but purging. Less is best.

I appreciate everyone sharing their stories here. It's most helpful to hear stories from all perspectives.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.