loved the deffinicion of acceptance and resignasion by anno.

i crash the car ended up with twisted spine, pelvise a frozen/ stuck sholder and nerve damage down right side and a rotated right hip.

walking ten paces was agonising mostly housbound with a child. i got physio and acupuncture to relax muscles and ease pain but couldn't fix it. I got the advice to keep active. Pain and activity seem incompatible, with restricted mobility. yet my lack of mobility created a muscle weekening, can't do cycle.

Agonising at times and with the use of variouse pain killers (don't like but had to use in abundance, now reduced)Steriodial injections into joints sholder joint and back, a little bit of movment a bit furtheir than before graduly incresed from 10 steaps to a fair bit now, i am back out and about.

If i do over do it theirs consiquencies the next day or few days in my case things like dancing make it worth it so i chose the activity knowing what the consiquencies will be, it helps me feel empowered and not sorry for myself couse i made the coice hence accept consiquincies.

It's a fine line somedays between respecting the pain signals from your body and knowing when you can get away with stuff and when you really have to stop, instantly. Pain arthritise, physical rest slepp etc. all play the part and studieing your own body help tell you when to do what or to choise your concisquncies.

side note but by far the worst thing was the sence of powerlessness, helplessness over my body, circumstancies and life situasion made me nutsand very very depresed. I always wanted to do and hated that an external force outside my will had to be considered ie my own bodie but that was my reality. I learned moderasion, considerasion for myself and when just to throw the consiquencies to the wind couse i need to dance or walk in park or whatever. Slowly i learned acceptances i do thnk it's a learning process of attitude and physical limitasions. Since then their no going back i am happier with my lot and more able than i thought possible than those first very dark mounths. Their still bad days when i can't do as much but their still better than the inicial days/mounths. Each day in life is diffrent and so is life and it's circumstancies take it one day at a time and see that day in it's entirity.

the crash left me with fibromyalgia....or the prolonged stress of the situasion, they can't tell which coused what. So relax and don't worrie if and when you can ...

just my experience hope it helps, whishing you all the best in working it out.....
oh visiliasion also help and cheered me up. (hypnotheripy my professional qualificasion)

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn