Thanks all for your concern and suggestions. I always said I'd go down dancing or fighting.

I'm medically aware, eat well, and always exercized. Some days I feel my body has let me down and it can be a bit depressing. I don't like this feeling of fragility. It's as if I'm watching a stranger, like a clock winding down. I'm at 8:45 right now, which is odd because I never understood time before. That would give me to age 65. A psychic told me I'd be here until 89 but he got some other things wrong too.

OK, I'm rambling. Yoga might be good. It always seemed too slow before, but might be a new direction for me. Water makes me panic.

Does anyone know if accupuncture works for arthritis? It didn't work for my migraines, but I'd be willing to try again if it might help this.
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