I wish I could give you one simple answer. These are the few I can remember here in the middle of the night.

CHURCH: I was dating two guys I met at my church when I met my husband. I also dated a preacher who attended one of my plays.
PARTIES: I re-met a guy at a party that I had known for 25 years. He proposed, I accepted. We were within a week of a big wedding when I got cold feet. I had a now famous UN-wedding party for out of town friends. :-) He hated me for a while, but eventually forgave me. (I think he was as upset about missing the UN wedding party as about losing me)
MUSIC: An old acquaintance who is a well known musician recorded some of my songs and we dated for a while. Neat guy and I got to meet some neat people.
THEATER: I met a guy doing research for a play. He was researching the same character and we began exchanging info. then dated. He proposed, but had a drinking problem.
HOME DEPOT: (My persoanl favorite) I was always there with set builders and when I was lonesome, I would go there to kill time. I met a lot of guys who wanted to give advice. A few wanted my phone number. Never dated them, but they were nice.
OLD FRIENDS: Two old friends got divorces and asked for dates, but instead we just hung out together. We're still friends.
REUNIONS: I re-met a guy I had dated in high school at a class reunion. He proposed. While I was deciding. He was killed in a plane crash.
FRIEND FIX UPS: Friends fixed me up with a few guys, almost always a disaster. One stalked me forever.
VACATION: I met several guys on vacations and dated them elsewhere, but they lived far away. One traveled here, but he wanted me to visit him and I didn't want to go there.

I met my husband online. He gave me advice about how to get away from the 2 guys I was dating from church. We emailed a couple of times, knew each other for 3 weeks (I was gone 1 of those weeks), on impulse he proposed, and on impulse I accepted. We were married a couple of days later. I've never regretted it and he says the same.

I was single almost ten years this time and I dated a lot. I was not serious about many guys, but almost all were really nice.
My single male friends complain about the lack of attractive women. I think the shortage of men is a scam.

I have always had as many male friends as female friends. I like men and I think they sense that. I enjoyed being single. It was not always great, but nothing is. Overall, it was an adventure. If you are recently divorced, you have a lot of good times in front of you. Use precautions, but men are not all bad guys. Nothing is perfect, but with the right attitude, being single, even at midlife, is nothing to dread. A man once told me the secret to attracting men is a smile. My husband says I have a great smile.
