Whittlewoman, You've received some good advice. Listen to your body. Take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.

It really shows how much times have changed. I had my surgery in the early 80's and I was given up to twelve weeks off work to recover. Doctor's orders. And the company I worked for abide by it.

Now, they want to cut ya, sew ya back up, and push you out the door. I was in the hospital for three days when they took my uterus and cervix in the early 90's. In the early 2000 when they took my ovaries I was in the hospital four days. The doctors wanted to keep me longer but the insurance company refused to pay for anymore days.

Insurance companies run our health care and that has to stop.

Edited by Vicki M. Taylor (02/23/07 05:50 PM)
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