Hi Whittlewoman

My experience after most of my menstrating life was horrific...I was lucky if I had a week of some comfort from pain, bleeding, insomnia and mood swings, etc. I found out about three tears before my FAH, that I was progesterone sensitive...so all of the hrt treatments to control my symptoms were sending me crazy.
I was a shell of a woman before the op, but found solace inchatting with my GP...she was brilliant...other women who had gone through similar experiences helped me greatly aslo.

My consultant was fab and treated me so well, explaining every wee detail of my pre and post op treatment. When the surgery was taking place...they found and removed several ovarian cysts...one of which was cancerous. I did not have to have any oncology treatment after the op...so I am a very lucky lass indeed.

Whittle...I have never looked back in so many ways sinse then. Keep talking to anyone who will listen with a kind heart. Do not be afraid to become informed by the professionals...ask them everything no matter how silly.

Once you get the hormonal side fine tuned...you will be grand. Take all the time you need to rest after the op....get your freinds to do the looking after for a while.

You are in my Prayers(even though you will be fine)

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love