Hi, Whittlewoman: I had total hysterectomy earlier this year (TAH/BSO) for suspected OC which was ruled out after the procedure. All turned out well in the end. It is a natural thing to be anxious about the surgery as it is a major procedure afterall. I don't think you would find any ladies-in-waiting who had not been terrified before undergoing surgery. The most important thing is to speak to the medical team prior to the day of your operation if you want to know details i.e. duration of procedure, type anesthesia and your options i.e. epidural, length of stay at the hospital, HRT etc.

My procedure took just 25 minutes, horizontal incision, sitting up in less than 36 hours, walking and showered in 48 on my own. The activity will be encouraged. The sooner you are on your feet, the better. No lifting for a long time. For the first week, you are allowed to lift nothing heavier than two cups of coffee. Try to arrange a nest in the house where you can relax and have everything within reach. No bending as well. Purchase a lot of peppermint tea or cordial to drink after surgery as soon as you are able to take anything by mouth. If you are having abdominal incison, take a pillow with you to prop in-between your tummy and the seatbelt on your ride home.

Recovery rate varies from woman to woman so I can only speak from my own experience. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for all for all hyster sisters. Let me know if there is anything further and specific that concerns you pre and post operation. Hyster sisters always "pay forward" and I am only willing to be able to do that.