Officer down...

Posted by: chatty lady

Officer down... - 02/08/06 03:56 AM

Last week two of Las Vegas's finest were answering a domestic violence call where a man was beating his wife with a stick. While the police were attempting to help her, the perpetrator ran into the back of the house, came out with an assault rifle and killed one young officer and wounded the other in a hail of gunfire. They had the funeral for the slain police veteran today. He was a good Christian leaving behind a wife and two daughters. Because of this trajedy and the continuing rise in the domestic violence in our valley they are starting a special judging panel for these crimes making no nonsense penalties stronger and with stricter enforcement...This is all well and good but why now, why after a man is killed, why not after so many many women have been killed.? In any case this now has priority attention here in Nevada....I'm hoping it may be an example other states will follow as well.

[ February 07, 2006, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Officer down... - 02/08/06 04:00 AM

Police officers hate going on dv calls because of this very thing.

Maybe because one of their own was taken it hits home more than an unknown female victim. Regardless, this is a real tragedy and so needless.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Officer down... - 02/09/06 08:12 AM

I am so grateful people still want to be firemen and policemen in this day and age. I see the news and am forever amazed at the jobs they do day in and day out.

Baltimore is ravaged with drugs. Our city would be a much safer place if we could end the war on drugs. I believe alcohol and drugs are at the root of most crime.

On a good note: I heard Baltimore now has a courthouse for women to flee to when they are in an abusive situation. The House of Ruth (a local shelter and advocacy program) has an office right in the courthouse. The idea is that everything they need is under one roof.

New York is the only other state that has such a set-up.