
Posted by: Anonymous

Pay - 01/13/06 11:11 PM

Hey, have any of ya'll ever heard of anyone being fired b/c they discussed their pay with another coworker? [Embarrassed]
Posted by: TVC15

Re: Pay - 01/13/06 11:32 PM

Unfortunately, yes I have heard of this happening. And I know of someone who was almost fired because he discussed his vacation time.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 01/14/06 12:12 AM

Wow, that is scary! A coworker asked me several times how much my raise was and I was getting upset of the constant baggering, and I got tired of it, so I sent her an email and together we erased them. She then got upset and told the director who gave us the rasises! Then he began looking for the email and she accused me of deleting hers! Geez.

I'm looking and begining to feel (actually know it) that the law field is just not condusive to my nature!
Posted by: TVC15

Re: Pay - 01/14/06 01:24 AM

That is awful Mustanggal!
I hate people like that. They push you into telling them something that you don't want to talk about and then they use it against you.

The vacation time thing happened when a guy looked over my shoulder when I was doing payroll, (long time ago) anyway he saw that he had less time than another guy and he started this whole big thing over it. I felt bad, but it wasn't my fault. My boss even said that he had no business looking at my computer.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Pay - 01/14/06 04:35 AM

Every company I know of especially major corporations do not want anyone discussing their pay, vacations or expecially raises. If someone asks you and won't let up just say, I never discuss politics or money, never!!! and leave it at that. It is no ones business and most raises are given because of 'performance' and one may not be equal with another. People that badger you about those things are rude and do not deserve your consideration....
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 01/19/06 10:42 PM

I've checked the federal law and I did nothing illegal. If they question me, they are being illegal. Hard to prove, though. Yet, now this woman wants to discuss with HR, she is simply upset and the only reason I can think of is b/c she got less $$$$. Yet, she spends at least 2 hours a day on a smoke break!

Oddly, my stomach was upset all weekend and through today. Thought it was the flu, but, well, hope not to offend anyone, yet everything was coming out blue and have panicked if this woman slipped a laxative into my drinks or food. Why? B/c she is being awfully nice lately and ordering lunch, which I do 95% of the time. I am very wary. She is going out of her way to be nice, says she has presents at her house for me, but does not bring them to work. Which is fine by me, for all I know it could be a bomb!
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Pay - 01/19/06 11:27 PM

Hey, Mustang,
I do temp work and had places where I have worked ask me how much I make and hour and how much the company pays out for me to come in. I tell them I cannot disclose that information . It is none of there busniness . Most of the time I tell them I don't know .

It is knowones business where you work how much raise you get .
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Pay - 01/21/06 08:21 AM

Good grief...can you distance yourself from this (ask to be moved) wacko women? You be careful and get moved if you can. Be cautious of anything she gives you to eat. My goodness what a mess this is. Blue is not a normal color even when ill.

[ January 21, 2006, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Pay - 01/22/06 12:45 AM

That is just down right scary...stay away from her.
For heaven's sake...don't eat or drink anything unless you made it yourself, and it has been sitting in front of you the entire time.
What is wrong with people?
Posted by: TVC15

Re: Pay - 01/22/06 01:12 AM

That is very creepy. Go to a doctor or at least call one to find out what is doing that.
And stay far far away from her!!!!!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Pay - 01/22/06 01:22 AM

Maybe you could allow her to bring you more food and then decide you don't want it right then and want to take it home for later for some reason and then have it tested to see if it has anything in it.

Posted by: Songbird

Re: Pay - 01/23/06 03:22 AM

Wow, Mustangirl, that is totally weird. Watch out! Nowadays, you just can't be trusting!
Posted by: starting over

Re: Pay - 01/24/06 08:54 AM

If she did that, you need to report her to the police. I think even if you are suspicious that she did something you should report it to someone. A blood test might should lingering sings of what was used.

Did you all see the article about 2 weeks ago about the man who put something on his hand, then shook hands with a judge, an attorney and the court baliff? They all came down terribly ill within a couple of hours. The man is now being charged with attempted manslaughter or something.

It is a form of terrorism. Now you are afraid in your own work place. It can't be allowed to happen.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 01/24/06 10:52 PM

I can't prove the "blue stuff" but did file a report regarding another incident. She actually went to HR and is trying to get me fired. She threatens me everyday with small inuendos and a big smile on her face. It is horrible that she is a grandmother and just so horrible.

I hate to say this, but she is covered in stretch marks from the 150+ she lost, smokes heavily (takes @ least 2 hours daily for breaks), gossips like the dickens -- yet she has $$$ and a lovely family! She just loves to play havoc in other peoples lives! I'm tired of her interuptions and constant hacking (coughing) and always having some type of ailment (yet these doctors don't know what is wrong w/ her!). She literally gets a way with murder. She is one of those types that likes to downplay those who she thinks (and it is all in her crazy mind) try to up play her!

She wastes company time by sending at least 10 jokes a day, and gets away w/ it. Yet, if you send her a joke, she will tell all on you.

Wonder if I should print her jokes to me and leave them on the printer for her boss to see?

I was going to pick up both her lunch and her bosses, yet got tired of her constant bantering, so I said something personal came up, you will need to get your own lunches. I left the office, I'm tired of her.

Can't move to another position w/in the firm. Honestly, the firm is on her side and I would not doubt I'm the one being fired today -- she keeps saying someone is going doooown!

Honestly, I've not had good luck in the legal field, I've lost a job before in this field. And IMHO it is a very volatile field.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Pay - 01/25/06 01:15 AM

Mustang, it's probably a volatile field because it involves so many women working together. Unfortunately, women can be horrible to each other in an office setting. I think you're better off keeping people at arm's length in business. I worked with people for 10 years at my old job, and I did have people there I trusted, but it took time for us to earn each other's trust.

This witch is playing mind games with you, but you don't have to allow her to win. If you have to work with her, walk in the door with your head held high, shoulders straight and a big happy smile on your face. Have some things in your mind that you can deflect her nasty comments with. You are a BOOMER WOMAN - and a nasty hateful person is not going to get you down!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Pay - 01/25/06 03:57 AM

I guess it depends on how much this particular job means to you. Possily sharpen up your resume, take a couple days off and look around for something better. You needn't use the now company as a reference, you merely tell the place you're applying that they are not aware of you're changing jobs due to too much company politics being played. Then one day if another job presents itself take it and just don't show up at the old place. Let them all wonder, especially her and have NO contact with her or anyone else that she can get information from. Good luck.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 02/23/06 09:38 PM

Well, this lady says she will retire soon! Apparently she has memorary issues that managment is noticing! Like, work begins @ 9:00 AM, not 9:15 or arrive @ 9:15 & eat breakfast at your desk then begin working on/or about 10ish.

Sometimes I'll actually leave the building and walk to a restaurant for lunch rather than order in, only to return and for her to say "where's my lunch"! Where I remind her that I did not order our lunches together today, I stepped out for lunch. Also, recently she said she was going to the Super Bowl, but never went, took the time of though and when she returned to work, says she forgot to go to the Super Bowl!
I'm no football fan, but how can you buy tickets and then forget to go to the Super Bowl!

Oddly enough, she sure does not forget to take her multiple smoke breaks that total 2 hours daily!

As for the blue stuff, God only knows! I no longer accept food nor drinks from her! Things seem to be coming out fine now!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pay - 02/23/06 10:01 PM

Mustang, glad to hear things are working there way out.

I applaud you for walking away, even if it means heading out for lunch and eating alone.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Pay - 02/23/06 10:27 PM

Better to be alone than in bad company. Hope it continues to get better, Mustang.

[Smile] Be always alert and stay safe!
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Pay - 03/09/06 05:39 AM

I am always surprised that women in the workplace don't support each other. Sadly it has been my experience that women go out of their way to sabotage other women. I'm in marketing now and almost everyone I work with will lie, cheat, and steal for a tour-mostly the women. But I've seen men do it too. I no longer want to share personal thoughts or ideas because I feel they'll be used against me. Good luck and stay away from her. You deserve better than that.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 11/28/06 01:41 AM

Arrrghhhhhhhh! This lazy lady is useless! Today she sends me the following b/c I put her on the carpet for being dishonest (she consistently lies about her whereabouts and spends at least 3 hours daily on a smoke break, although the HR manual states one 10 minute breach each AM and PM):

"Lilly, don't kniow what your problem is or what the issue is that "you went to the bathroom and I was not in there"………I went to the bathroom, went to the car to get my lunch, came back, was heating my lunch and you walked out of the kitchen…..don't know if it was before you went to lunch or after you got back and I really do not care………………but just be careful when you basically call me a liar…………………there has NEVER been this kind of problem back here on this part of the floor and trust me it will not be"

I've contacted HR and will meet with the director.

Does this sound like a threat?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Pay - 11/28/06 10:09 AM

Sounds like a nut job to me. Document everything and always carry a tiny recorder in your pocket in case she threatens you. Its hard to deny something when yourvoice is on tape.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Pay - 11/28/06 03:27 PM

Be careful around angry people. They are usually malcontent and looking for a battle. Take notes and keep them out of her reach.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Pay - 11/28/06 08:10 PM

Lilly, are you having to pick up on her work load when she's absent?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 11/30/06 02:16 AM

Yes, or others. I know she is nearly 70, yet has excuses for everything and problems, issues, etc., wilst at the same time has time to take advantage of smoke breaks and others w/out reciprocating. Should you tell her you are preparing a motion to be filed w/ the court, she'll simply walk away and then I'm stuck w/ answering her phones -- this distraction allows for mistakes, my attorneys become upset, extra stress, etc. Serving motions requires exact effort and I already have stress from my attorneys who wait until the last minute to inform me of the exhibits/attachments which I must then scramble, tab, copy, coordinate courrier, prepare cover letter, envelopes, certificate of service and serve (either by mail, courrier, email, or a combination thereof). However, when she is expecting an important phonecall for her attorney, she will either email me or verbally inform me and then walk off! Afterall, she must go to the bank, smoke, socialize, make personal calls from the courtesy phone, etc. Additionally, she will sit at her desk and not answer her phones, stating she just can't hear them and that someone has been "messing with the ring tones" -- of which has not altered at all. She'll sit at her desk and do nothing! Knowing I'm swamped and have the audacity to elicit her assistance, only to not understand the legal process (she's worked here for 26 years!) and the time exerted to explain to her is a total waste that I'm better off doing it myself! Yep, I've contacted all those in the proper chain of command. If you put her on the carpet, she becomes very nasty and vindictive. I pray to not be like her in my age and that I don't have to work to 70. Also, she hacks at her desk from smoking, the attorneys simply tolerate it and close their doors. Yet, I can smell it and am worried about 2nd hand smoke. Can it affect you if someone has smoked outside the office several times daily, then sit next to them? I find myself coughing b/c I can smell it, especially during colder months b/c the smokers smoke indoors in a closed room, rather than outside.

The reason why the firm pairs secretarys is to ensure phone coverage and assistance. She, apparantly, believes she is exempt.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Pay - 12/01/06 02:43 PM

At her age, she probably doesn't care if she's fired so isn't trying to please.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Pay - 12/01/06 03:23 PM

I worked with a woman exactly like her except smoking was her bad habit. Her's was being late, socializing while everyone else did HER work, then snoping through everyone's desk when she thought they were gone. Including the boss. She sabatoged my computer files one time and when that happened (she was savvy enough to know we could see who logged on to this particular program) I exploded. The program was one I was working on for THE BIG BOSS so I knew she had done it then.

I went straight to the top. Everyone else had tiptoed around her for 30+ years. I busted into his office, told him what had happened along with a multitude of sins she had done in the past, all documented, and said, "either she goes or I go." She was called in, read the riot act, put on record, and never bothered ME again. She never came near me again. But she continued the same course with the other co-workers, because they took it.

She eventually retired and then tried to come back and a part-time employee but they wouldn't have her. Once she was out the door, the door slammed. They later told me they were afraid of her suing them for age discrimination so they let her slide for the last few years. At everyone else's expense, if you ask me.

I don't know what to tell you, but nothing will change unless she steps on the wrong toes. THEN....all He-double hockey sticks will fly.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 12/02/06 06:19 PM

Jaw Jaw, that's exactly what she is trying to do, slide through retirement (which I understand she has dipped into and has very little -- she is 68/69 and only worked for 25 years I believe) and blackmail everyone and has threatened to sue over age discrimination. Apparantly, now her back hurts -- something always hurts, something to always get her out of work. Yet I do not believe she has ever provided a 'doctors excuse' nor medical proof as I believe as many times as I've complained HR might have said something to protect the firm. She was complaining to her supervisor yesterday that her back hurt and she had a really hard time going up and down the hallway, YET she sure can make it to the bank, several smoke breaks, etc. Interestingly enough, she brings her lunch to work (I no longer offer to pick something up for her) and rather than brining in with her in the morning (we have a kitchen w/ fridge and other appliances), she will leave to get her lunch and take a smoke break along the way. I found her cig's in the file room and threw them away.

She definately knows she can get away with it, and I don't want to disturb others again w/ my frets. I'll simply keep my nose clean and press forward. Fingers crossed b/c I was told it would backfire on me -- she is very vindictive.

HR rep informed me that a professional courtesy is desired from us and that they talked to her supervisor for 2 hours yesterday (Friday) and that the email she sent is inappropriate. Yet, HR did not inform me, I had to contact them. A bit worried that the conversation took 2 hours as I'm certain that guilt was pointed in my direction.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 12/09/06 04:51 PM

After several talks, her supervisor refuses to do anything and tricks continue. The firm's president's secretary ask me why they won't do something? This has been going on for 20 years, and no one has done anything, she says! There is something below the surface, blackmail, a past affair, who knows, but she's gotta go.

Yet, I feel a bit guilty for having complained (although legitimate) and pray I don't become like her.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Pay - 12/09/06 09:21 PM

Why doesn't the presidents secretary ask him why this is allowed to go on, instead of you? She apparently has his ear being his secretary and all.
Posted by: ElevatingYourBusiness

Re: Pay - 12/17/06 07:16 AM

I'm sorry that you're going through this. Relationships that are only at work are delicate things.

I mentored many women when I worked on Wall Street and I remember the day I got called into the office. Why? My boss asked me if I had been speaking to "x" and "x" and "x" about money or raises. I said I have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, it seems that they actually asked for what they should have been getting! Which of course was more than they were getting.

When raise day came, I got rushed with hugs by a few of the women. It was great, helping them get paid what they deserved - not being paid "less than" like I was because I didn't have a mentor.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 12/19/06 02:06 AM

Maria, how wonderful to be a mentor, I'm sure that w/ you not having had a mentor, that you are able to be an even better one!

Chatty, I believe why the firm tolerates such behavior is b/c they are afraid she will sue them and she consistently threatens such -- she gives people the finger when the pass, calls the names, degrades, etc. As she would say, "its just awful!" -- that's her favorite saying to get out of doing work!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Pay - 12/19/06 03:48 PM

Afraid of being sued for what?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Pay - 12/19/06 11:17 PM

Someone needs to call her bluff, and thats all it is. I can't understand why everyone doesn't just shun her, refuse to speak to her and shut her out completely. Whats with the people there? I do realize it is always hard to get everyone to stick together, to many wishy washy cowards out in the working world. Its amazing to me how ONE woman is calling the shots.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 12/20/06 02:57 AM

They are afraid she will sue due to Age Discrimination. Also, she has health issues as she says, but has not provided anything concrete other than having vertigo (her most recent 'symptom'). Now, I'm not denying that someone of her age is w/out symptom's, yet if so you would not be goofing off and taking several smoke breaks a day. Yet, what can I do except to be polite and hope she retires soon!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pay - 02/14/07 03:10 AM

Sorry to have brought this back up, yet was feeling guilty for having complained, yet I know I was right. I should have accepted her as she is and let it go.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Pay - 02/14/07 05:38 AM

Best of luck Mustang gal.

Right now I've been approached by 2-3 workers how to deal with so-and-so in another dept. I manage a dept. so they just probably wonder how someone like myself would handle such a situation. I just tell the workers to tell their supervisors what they did in terms of work for the day. And leave it at that. It is the cleanest, honest and clearest approach without getting embroiled into explaining someone else's dirty laundry.

So-and-so has not been working full shifts...and now she has been given warning by 2 managers or else out the door.

Frankly am bewildered how she could be ...dumb and irresponsible. She is single mom with 2 daughters under 16.

I did my share...I pulled out an employee that I loaned out to that dept. Forget it. No one is covering so-and-so's butt..when she skips out.