Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo

Posted by: Dotsie

Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 01/31/07 02:07 AM

For the month of February, we are very pleased to have NABBW members and co- authors, KATHERINE SCHERER and EILEEN BODOH as our Featured Authors.

In their own words Katherine and Eileen offer " . . . after our long personal journey of emotional and physical healing, gratitude truly does open one's heart to love. Since writing our book, we have realized our life's purpose. Gratitude is our chosen path and we are too blessed to be stressed . . . "

Be sure to visit this forum beginning February 1 as these authors share their life experiences and teach us all about Gratitude and about expressing thankfulness for life and for the many things that we take for granted. To read more about Katherine and Eileen, please visit their Web page at
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 01/31/07 03:35 AM

This is very exciting! I truly believe that Gratitude works and I practice it daily in my life. I can't wait to learn more.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 01/31/07 05:12 PM

I've had a grateful list for decades. Some days only my toothbrush was on it!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/01/07 09:01 PM

This is one of my favorite topics. I'm ready to jump in.
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/01/07 10:00 PM

Looked up the etomology for GRATITUDE as a jumping off point and for fun...

c.1500, from M.L. gratitudo "thankfulness," from L. gratus "thankful, pleasing" (see grace).

c.1175, "God's favor or help," from O.Fr. grace "pleasing quality, favor, good will, thanks," from L. gratia "pleasing quality, good will, gratitude," from gratus "pleasing, agreeable," from PIE base *gwer- "to praise, welcome" (cf. Skt. grnati "sings, praises, announces," Lith. gririu "to praise, celebrate," Avestan gar- "to praise"). Sense of "virtue" is c.1330, that of "beauty of form or movement, pleasing quality" is c.1340. In classical sense, "one of the three sister goddesses (L. Gratiæ, Gk. Kharites), bestowers of beauty and charm," it is first recorded in Eng. 1579 in Spenser. The short prayer that is said before or after a meal (c.1225, until 16c. usually graces) is in the sense of "gratitude." Verb meaning "to show favor" (c.1440) led to that of "to lend or add grace to something" (1586, e.g. grace us with your presence), which is the root of the musical sense in grace notes (1657). Gracious as an exclamation (1713) is short for gracious God, etc.

Grace = Virtue
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/02/07 02:00 PM

Welcome Ladies! I'm so excited you are finally here! Wuhooo! Why not tell us all how Gratitude Works began. I know everyone would be interested in knowing.

And what exactly does your organization do?
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/02/07 09:41 PM

Hello everyone. I am so happy to be a part of this organization. What a great idea. Let me tell you a little about us. Eileen and I both had a burning desire to do something that would make a difference in our world. We were writing down five things each day that we were grateful for and sharing them with each other and got so excited about how one thing led to another and how everything is connected that we decided to do our book. Now we are living our mission of touching lives with the spirit of gratitude. It is an important mission because we have learned that a lot of us think we know gratitude because we have been taught early on to say thank you and be appreciative when someone does something for us. But that is not the same as "living in gratitude," which to me is being grateful every day for every thing. Giving recognition to the things that bring us joy is one way to open our hearts. This doesn't mean that we wont ever have negative thoughts to deal with, but choosing to lift our thoughts higher with gratitude will help remove us from our victim status and empower us. And it is so much fun. Especially if you have a gratitude partner like we did. Eileen and I promote gratitude every chance we get. We have traveled together often and in a few weeks will be going on a Gratitude Cruise. Can you imagine that, a gratitude cruise? Gratitude is very popular at this time and is catching on more and more every day. We will be meeting Dr. Emoto who has studied the effects of the word "gratitude" on water. And we will be speaking for the "Thank God I" book series. We are very excited. Please send more questions and I will be happy to answer them. In the meantime, always remember, Gratitude Works!
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/02/07 11:15 PM

First, WELCOME...

Meeting Dr. Emoto - how exciting is that! Hidden Messages in Water is simply amazing. I shared the book with my grandchildren. We had a good conversation while going through the many pictures.

[How] Are you reaching out to youngsters? Sure, some children are still being taught to say "thank you," along with other social niceties, but I don't think they realize what the implications are. Being in a graditudinal (took the liberty of making up the word) spirit is so removed from the "give me, give me" attitude the younger generations are living.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/03/07 07:15 PM

Thank you for your message. Dr. Emoto has a new children's book out also which we hope he has along on the cruise. He is really reaching out to change the world. He has been giving lectures thruout the US should you be interested in seeing him. I think they are listed on his website.

We hope to write a children's book on gratitude this year which would be for parents and children; so children could experience gratitude at an early age. Thanks, Eileen
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/04/07 05:07 PM

SuperBowl Sunday creates gobs of gratitude in the sense that one day of the year people get together and have fun focusing on one single event.

Have a fun-filled day!

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/05/07 09:13 PM

We hope everyone is having a grateful day. We are grateful to be a part of this group and we would love to hear from everyone out there.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/06/07 01:08 AM

I know I have posted this before, but another chance for me to share my own gratitude and celebration ritual.

Every day, I write to an email friend all that I am grateful for and all I have in my life to celebrate. She, in return, writes hers to me.

It is a simple, and life-altering way to start a day. Gratitude works.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/06/07 03:36 PM

Anno, I think this is such a great idea. I love it. YOu two must be very close.

I must share that many summers ago, I chose to begin writing my blessings daily. The kids were all home for the summer and I wanted to stay focused on the positive instead of the day in and day out sibling battles. Keeping three kids occupied on thsoe long summer days and nights was a challenge.

Anyway, when I began, the lists were short. As time wore on, my focus throughout the days became, what will I thank God for tomorrow? It's amazing how I began focusing on the good in life. It's life changing.

Now I spend a little part of my mroning journaling and quiet time thanking God for very specific happenings from the day prior. Things as simple as weather, calls for friends, things people say, books, forum posts, etc.

Gratitude is an attitude, and a great one too.

Gals, what prompted you to write your book? Want to share?
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/06/07 10:01 PM

I'm grateful that you are here and sharing with us. I support your mission completely!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/07/07 02:05 AM

Hi diane, I love your picture and thanks for your support.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/07/07 02:25 AM

Hi Dotsie, We, like you started to write down things everyday that we were grateful for. We were in awe of how things were connected. Like a pretty flower that needs a stem to hold it up and roots in the ground and rain water to help it grow and sunshine for nourishment. One thing kept leading to another and we were having fun with our new awareness of what to be grateful for. We wanted to do something that would make a difference and challenged ourselves to come up with five things for every day of the year. We created a theme for every month and wrote an essay for each month also. Hence our book. Now we are known as the gratitude ladies and we promote gratitude every chance we get because it is so life changing. It is a great practice to have and one that is getting more popular every day.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/07/07 02:34 AM

Hi Anno, I love the idea of gratitude partners by email. Eileen and I did it by phone but email is a great idea. Thanks.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/07/07 12:55 PM

I agree that gratitude is so awesome...but sometimes when a person is really depressed or angry it's hard to feel do you encourage someone who's in a low place to move into an attitude of gratitude...

You know the ones who see the glass as half empty...aren't always grateful to have the glass...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/07/07 02:09 PM

Great question Jane. I'm looking forward to their answer.

I'd also like to know what you both with the bad things that happen in life. I know we are to search for the blessings among the muck. I think it takes practice. I'm getting better at it. There always see to be a positive spin you can put on bad news.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/08/07 02:22 AM

No matter what happens in our life we have the ability to choose our attitude. Yes, it can be hard to feel grateful when we are really depressed or angry. But by being more attentive to opportunities to express gratitude, we increase our opportunity to feel it. Our thoughts precede our feelings so the more we think gratitude thoughts, the better our chance to feel gratitude. Counting our blessings does not make our problems go away overnight, but it can reduce their importance and help them to fade. At first we may have to fake it. Eileen and I wrote down five things each day that we were grateful for. More than that, we learned to appreciate those things we often took for granted--like breathing and our hearts beating and family and friends, etc. We also looked for what we wanted to have happen and we focused on the things we liked. Having a partner really helped because we could always remind each other to look for the good in the bad. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations available to us and those who practice gratitude are happier and healthier. The more we practice gratitude, the less likely we are to become depressed.

Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/08/07 02:31 AM

"Gratitude is the intention to count-your-blessings every day, every minute, while avoiding, whenever possible, the belief that you need or deserve different circumstances."--Timothy Miller in How to Want What You Have.

"Seeds of discouragement will not grow in the thankful heart."--Anon

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/08/07 02:22 PM

Kathy, that's a keeper. I'm going to print it out and read it every single day. Thank you!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/08/07 10:36 PM

I have lots of questions.

How did you two meet?

How long were you friends before you chose to write your book together?

Are you women of in what church or denomination if any?

What do you think of The Secret?
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/09/07 04:31 AM

We met on the marketing committee of our church, which is a church of religious science. We started meeting with another woman about ideas on what we could do together. Then it was just the two of us and after keeping gratitude journals, the book was born. I don't remember the time sequence as it took us 3 years to write our book.

We think The Secret is simply wonderful in that it is touching the minds and hearts of many people and has the potential to raise the consciousness of the world.

James Ray was in Milwaukee this evening for a lecture--most people had seen him on Oprah today. Kathy was there working as she has been promoting his organization here.
He was, of course, very inspiring as were all of the others on Oprah today.

Thanks for the response.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/09/07 04:32 AM

When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.--Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief.

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/09/07 01:47 PM

My publisher, Louise Hay, belongs to the same church you do. Actually, that's how she started her empire...speaking to groups of people who had AIDS and giving them her positive message.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/09/07 03:32 PM

Diane, We heard Louise Hay speak at our annual retreat at Asilomar (Pacific Grove, CA) some years ago, and it was a wonderful experience to meet her. What a blessing to have Hay House publish your book! It appears your book has a wonderful message and will help many people. The world is grateful for you and your efforts.

Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/09/07 04:04 PM

What we think about and thank about, we bring about.
--Dr. John DeMartini

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/09/07 07:27 PM

Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/09/07 07:40 PM

I was handed a bitter pill to swallow at work yesterday. I did everything I could think of in the moment to find what was in the message I received for which I could be grateful. Couldn't do it.

I came home and watched Oprah, and within minutes, I started to see how much I have that is wonderful and that I can show gratitude for in my life. Then I thought about what lesson could I learn from this experience.

It did take me longer than I would have liked, but my whole being changed when I returned to a focus of gratitude and celebration.

Thank you for your work.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/10/07 01:56 AM

Hi Anno, Thanks for sharing that. This is what it is all about. The words we use to express our gratitude help to create the feelings of gratitude within ourselves. Feeling grateful is the magic of gratitude. When we feel gratitude we can make a real shift. Like you did. I loved the line by James Ray and Michael Beckwith on the Oprah show; "Thank you for giving me this so I can learn to be grateful for it." It is the part of gratitude that took me the longest to learn and I can't say that it is easy. But it is freeing. Thanks again for sharing. Kathy
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/10/07 07:34 AM

Do you think the less we expect, the more grateful we will feel if/when something good happens?

How do you handle being grateful if no gratitude is due? Wouldn't digging to find something to be grateful for be sort of pretentious? I'm not trying to be negative, but I do have a particular situation I'm thinking about and this does apply. I've tried finding something of graditudinal (made up word, again) value in the situation, but can't. Just can't! Need more practice, right?
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/10/07 05:54 PM

Gimster, actually I think the more we expect, the more we will have to be grateful for in our lives. The less we want and expect, the less we will get. It only makes sense, the more we want and expect, the more we will get.

The second question is more difficult, but I believe there is always some aspect of any situation that calls for gratitude and celebration. A couple of examples:

My husband has fast progressing parkinsons disease. I am grateful that he was diagnosed and able to receive medication that keeps him moving. I am grateful that he has good insurance that covers much of the costs of his physical and speech therapy. I am grateful that he loves me and I love him and we are able to find many ways together to keep positive and moving forward.

My mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. I am grateful that my father is still with her and loves her and takes care of her the best he can. I am grateful that she has been in my life and is still alive and healthy. I celebrate what she has been, and continues to be, for all of those people that have been lucky enough to be in her presence.

Lastly, I had a near death heart attack. I am grateful (and by the way, even felt this way at the time) that I had great treatment and they saved my life. I am gratful for medication and the ability to make positive changes in my life. Again, I am grateful for health insurance.

Look at the bigger part of the situation and see what you can find to be grateful for somewhere. Once you find one thing, you will see more. I KNOW you can do this gimster; I just know that you can!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/10/07 09:54 PM

Hi Gimster, I'm so glad you are raising questions about gratitude. I had questions too when I first started practicing it. The truth is that gratitude is a choice. It is not a given. Most people don't think a lot about all the good that is in their lives all the time. We live in a negative society and are surrounded by people who complain and find fault and blame others etc. It's easy for us to get caught up in the same and not see the goodness. But then there's people like Anno who look for the good and really see the big picture and how much they have to be grateful for. Wasn't her answer wonderful? Every one of us is dealing with something in our lives that troubles us. At the same time goodness is always around us. We can't always see it when we are focused on the problem. It's like the different screens on a computer. When we are working on one screen we don't see the other, but it is still there and only has to be pulled up. That is what it's like with our minds. We can only think one thought at a time so if we are focusing on what we are grateful for, the other things disappear. What we focus on expands, so think good thoughts as much as you can and watch them expand. Try writing down five things a day for 30 days and see what happens. I hope this helps. Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/10/07 10:14 PM

Hi Anno, Thank you for your wonderful answer to Gimster. You have got it down girl. I want you on my team. And isn't it true that you see more and more good things to be grateful for when you focus on how much you have to be grateful for? I know it is true for me. I have to confess that when I first started to practice gratitude every day it seemed strange. But I wasn't used to it. Now I wouldn't want to go through my day without recognizing what I am grateful for because it makes it so much more meaningful to me. So thanks again, I appreciate you. Kathy
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/11/07 02:19 AM

Anno, what a God-incidence that you saw Oprah right when you needed to! Cool, huh?

I can't beleive Kathy is helping promote The Secret. Wierd that I even mentioned it. Kathy, can you tell us what you are doing to promote the movie?

gimster, are the answers helping? I hope so.

Here's an example of gratitude:

My husband is a Type I Diabetic. He does several shots a day. We are grateful he was diagnosed with this in his early 20s. He has taken tremendous care of himself. Alcoholism runs in his family. Who knows, if he wasn't a diabetic, maybe he would be a heavy drinker. Maybe he wouldn't exercise 5 days a week. His diet wouldn't be nearly as healthy.

We are grateful for insulin, blood testers, and the opportunity to balnce the blood sugar by either eating or taking a shot.

When he has low blood sugar reactions, I am grateful I have orange juice in the house and that all it takes is sugar to help him turn around. I am grateful the paramedics are only minutes from our home. The times we've had to use them, we are grateful for their knowledge and that the hospital is only minutes away. We were thankful for the doctors and the nurses who knew exactly what to do to care for him. The list goes on.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/11/07 10:28 PM

Hi Dotsie, I am promoting James Ray who is in the Secret. We just had an event here in Milwaukee with 650 people attending. It was fabulous. He was on Oprah that same day. I thought the show was excellant. Thanks for your input about gratitude because again, that is what it is all about, focusing on the good we have instead of what we lack. Isn't it great that they have the medications to treat diabetes today? Someday they will have a cure. Imagine what it was like years ago when they didn't have any medication for it. It's such a simple thing to look at the good and be grateful yet we often look the other way. I myself did not get it until we did our book. Now I am empowered by gratitude every day and I love it. Kathy
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/11/07 11:13 PM

Dotsie, I do understand the answers, mentally, but right now they haven't been processed fully.
Anno's answers were great, too.
Every so often, since this thread was created, I've taken a stab at putting gratitude to work. It feels like (right now) when I know a word, but can't quite get it to come to mind. I feel a touch of it's vibes. Make sense?
My weekend has been full with the g/c, so I've not been able to dedicate that much thought to it, but even when I was cleaning up after supper (dinner, to some), I was taking a stab at it. Will keep trying and hope to be able to report that it is taking root.

I probably come across as such a negative person at BWS. Sometimes, I can't believe how negative my thoughts are. I hope with recognizing and practicing gratitude, creating and honing my gratitude skills, I will be able to get beyond the negativism within me.

Thanks for answering my questions. Others will probably come throughout the month. Hate to hog your time.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 01:04 PM


I probably come across as such a negative person at BWS. Sometimes, I can't believe how negative my thoughts are. I hope with recognizing and practicing gratitude, creating and honing my gratitude skills, I will be able to get beyond the negativism within me.

Gimster, I don't remember you standing out as being negative here on the forums.

I think practicing gratitude will help you. Sometimes it's difficult to get negative thought out of one's mind. I give my head a little shake (as in shaking it off, I guess) and carry on. I do the same with worry thoughts. I immediately go on to thinking better ones.

Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 02:06 PM

Gimster. No, I do not think you come across as negative. Finding gratitude in life is not always easy. Think of it as forming a habit, tough at first and gets easier all the time.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Be grateful, right now, that you are even open to the idea of living life through celebration and gratitude. Many people would not even consider learning a new way to look at life.

I am grateful that you are here in these forums and that you are reaching out to others.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 02:26 PM

Try having fun with it. I like taking one thing and expanding on's Bertha's take on it...this is from a story from her journal...

“Appreciation and gratitude are very similar. It’s probably easiest to give you an example.” Bertha aimed her pointer at her cup of coffee. “On the one hand I appreciate the taste of my coffee in the morning. I appreciate its deep rich mahogany color. I appreciate how warm it is and how I feel so cozy when I drink a cup. On the other hand,” she held up the other hand for effect, “I am grateful that Juan Valdez and his burrow got up early and went out to pick the coffee beans at their peak of flavor. I am grateful that someone processed them and shipped them to my favorite store and that the store was open at a convenient time so that I could purchase a bag of coffee in my favorite grind and flavor. I am grateful that we have a wonderful electric coffee pot with a timer so that the coffee is ready when I get up in the morning.”

I did a little rendition yesterday with toilet tissue...I won't go into the details of that one! LOL...but it is fun...I don't think you are a negative person...just someone who wants to be even more nice!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 07:37 PM

Hi Gimster, I am so grateful for you because this is how we incorporate gratitude into our lives. First by awareness of its lack and then by practicing it. Soon we feel gratitude and the magic happens. The magic of focusing on the positive, raising your energy level and just feeling happier all the time. And what we focus on expands so the more good you focus on the more good will come to you. Most people think they know gratitude and don't go a step further. Their minds are not open like yours is. Gratitude is an ongoing process and a practice, different for each individual. Those who know gratitude are helping to change the world one heart at a time, starting with their own. I am excited for you and can't wait for the day that I see the message, "I got it amd I love it," and I know it will be soon for I hold this belief for you. Thanks, again, Kathy
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 07:42 PM

Today I am grateful for spending the morning with my new friend, our very own Dianne. I am grateful that we spent the morning pampering ourselves with great toast and sweet jam. I am grateful that we then moved on down the street to a lovely little spa and pampered our bodies for two hours.

We had hot stone massages and a 3rd eye hot oil treatment with arms, hand, legs and feet massaged. Then warm oil poured over our scalps and gently massaged heads. We were a sight upon leaving, and I am grateful for scarfs, hats and not being pulled over by the cops on the way home.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 07:42 PM

Jane, that was a great reply. I loved your rendition of the coffee and can only imagine what you had in mind with toilet tissue. What a hoot you are. Thanks, Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 07:45 PM

Hi Anno, I envy you -- but only for a moment. Thanks for sharing. I must schedule a day at the spa soon. Thanks, Kathy
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/12/07 10:04 PM

gimster, I've never thought of you as a negative person. I always get psyched to read your posts. I would be tickled if this forum helped you turn yourself around to being more grateful. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

I do the same thing with worry and prayer. My mother was a huge worry wart. I have had to train myself to turn my worries into prayers. Now I turn everything over in prayer in the morning. When a worry thought enters, I do what chick does. I try to turn them around. There is no perfection in this for me, but I have come a long way.

I'm so grateful to have this topic here in February which is one of the toughest months due to the weather in this part of the country.
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/13/07 05:36 AM

After reading your posts, earlier this afternoon, I had to go lay down. For some reason, I got really depressed. I laid there, honestly trying to be grateful - not be grateful, but FEEL grateful, and I was having an extremely hard time with it. I kept getting angrier and angrier for some reason. I asked myself, "What's this all about." Then, I forced myself to take a nap. I almost didn't come back to add to this thread, but after I read through other threads with all the fine contributions from all the members, my mood moved into a happier zone.

With tears in my eyes and that horrible rusty feeling in my throat that visits us when we try to refrain from crying, I am saying right now, "I am grateful for this moment and for all of you."
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/13/07 08:31 AM

This is a wonderful forum, and I enjoyed all the enlightening posts.

Almost every evening, after watching the news, I feel a rush of gratitude. How lucky we are that we live where we live. Not in a Moslem country, where women are suppressed, food and water is scare, fear of bombings and snipers are a part of the daily life. I feel there are two different worlds on this planet. That other frightening world is so far away; so hard to imagine. I'm forever grateful that I wasn't born into that world.

At the same time, I agree with Gimster, I quote,

"Do you think the less we expect, the more grateful we will feel if/when something good happens?"

Too much gratitude isn't healthy either. There is a danger of just laying your hands limply in your lap and thinking, I'm grateful that I'm healthy and not starving. Gratitude should not overwhelm ambition and a fighting nature. Gratitude should not lower your expectations.

Gimster mabe you felt depressed because the fight is temporarily gone out of you. If you aren't happy with your situation or life, then my philosophy is; take control. Change what you are able to change. Find your ambitious fighting nature again, and transform it in a constructive plan. Feeling anger is an energy that you can transform to a fighting nature. Use that energy. That's great! You can do it! I know you can.
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/13/07 03:56 PM


mabe you felt depressed because the fight is temporarily gone out of you. If you aren't happy with your situation or life, then my philosophy is; take control. Change what you are able to change. Find your ambitious fighting nature again, and transform it in a constructive plan. Feeling anger is an energy that you can transform to a fighting nature. Use that energy.

I'm going to work with this, HL. Going to have to read and reread it and the rest of this thread. I feel like I'm monopolizing the thread, however. (I guess I have some of the narcissist tendencies I see in one of my parents, after all.) I don't like the feeling, so I'll try to correct the detour by asking another question.

What is your best way of dealing with an ungrateful person, someone who gains through his extreme sense of entitlement? Do you say, after the Nth time you've helped him out, something like, "I am grateful I could help you out"?
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/13/07 04:36 PM

Oh boy Gimster, I can relate. I had to deal for a long time with an ungrateful person in my own family. The more I gave, the more ungrateful he became. In fact, the more demanding, and insistent he became.

Then I read an article that that's often a normal reaction from people on the taking side (especially from the male gender), just because they hate being there, and It's often the last thing they have left; a bad attitude shows their independence. That made a lot of sense to me and helped me feel less bitter about his manners.

A few years have passed, and I don't expect any thank you's, and he has found his way in life. And we have found our way to one another again. Happy endings do happen. And Gimster, being disappointed that someone neglects to thank you is not narcissistic; it's normal.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/13/07 09:09 PM

Oh, Gimster, you are NOT monopolizing this thread and I am so glad that you are asking the tought questions.

Your "friend", not you, sounds narcissitic. Only thinking of himself all the time. Is there anyway to get this person out of your life? You don't need to be grateful for helping him out time after time after time. You could be grateful that you are different than he is and that you care about others.

What else could you find in the situation to be grateful for? Maybe you don't have to live with him. Maybe you could be grateful that you have the manners to say no.

If you said no to him, even one time, you could be grateful for learning to say no. Just because someone asks, doesn't mean you have to give. Then you could also be grateful for taking care of yourself.

And, you don't have to start bring gratitude into your life in the toughest situation. Look for what is working in your life (you have friends, here), what beauty you see in the world around you, in you (for example, I believe you could be very grateful for your stick-to-it-ness and you keep reading and trying), in the good stuff that is in your life.

Start smaller. Start simple. Keep being your beautiful, open self.

Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/13/07 11:50 PM


I agree...we love your questions...Anno is don't have to start out being grateful for this ungrateful, demanding person in your life.

Start out being grateful that you have heat or air conditioning...don't even think of grateful for the fact that the sun is shining or that you're getting much needed rain...don't even think of him...

I'm not one who thinks you have to find the thing to be grateful for in the moment of a bad situation...when something unpleasant is happening it may be too overwhelming to be grateful in the moment...but maybe there is something else you can be grateful for...

Later, when the dust settles and you're feeling less hurt...then you can look for the good in the relationship...

You might make a sunshine list of things that you are always grateful for...when things get you down...pull out the list and have a'll make you smile...

We love you and I'm grateful that you're here!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/14/07 03:07 AM

I am honored to be on this forum observing the positive support of all the ladies for Gimster. See what gratitude can bring about? Thank you all and thank you Gimster for making this happen. Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/14/07 05:27 AM



At the center of our innermost being
Heartache occurs, courage emerges,
Intellect directs with reassuring words,
Hearts soften, compassion stirs.

The longest journey with the shortest distance
Surrender head to heart, master resistance,
Make loving and giving an accomplished art
Become one song, one beating heart.

I AM SO GRATEFUL for being true to myself.
I measure my life in good deeds done,
Instead of how many years I've lived,
I live from my heart instead of my head,
Giving heed to the genius that lies within.

(Excerpted from "Gratitude Works: Open Your Heart to Love)

Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/14/07 05:36 AM

Now, I am crying. I AM taking notes. I've been carrying a pencil and paper around with me in my pocket... writing things down... and I'm digesting all you are saying.
I'm on the reply writing pad, so I'll have to thank you collectively on the advice you've shared, as I can't respond (at the moment) to everything covered, but I am remembering names (I think I remember correctly) - HL, Anno, JCarrol, Kathy, Dotsie, chick -> God Bless you all!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/14/07 12:40 PM

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Gimster, and everyone else here at BWS. I am so grateful for all of my friends here online. Love to all.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/14/07 02:48 PM

I once had a negative person in my life who drove me crazy with her negative outlook. This was prior to my summer that I taught myself to give thanks. I got upset most times I spoke with her because she dragged me down. I made a choice to keep my mouth shut when the negativity began. She quickly realized the conversation was going nowhere. It helped because I wasn't feeding the negative thoughts. I hope this helps.

Since my summer of teaching myself gratitude, I would now speak up and say something like, "I choose to focus on the positive. There's enough negativity in the world and I feel healthier when I focus on the positive and count my blessings."

Of course, there are negative situations that I must talk about and manage. Everything isn't a bowl full of cherries. But now I try to address them in a more positive way by seeking help for that issue.

Thanks to everyone for jumping in on this topic. It's so helpful.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/14/07 02:50 PM

It's amazing what is happening here. Boomer sisters able to help heal someone who is hurting and in the author's forum at that. Dotsie must be led to choose just the right person.

Gimster, somedays I'm grateful for what we take for granted like a roof over my head, food to eat. I just started a gratitude journal because of this thread. Today, I'm grateful that you are here and finding your way.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/14/07 02:52 PM


That's beautiful!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/15/07 01:08 AM

Hi everyone, Happy Valentines Day!!! I thought some quotes might be fun.

"We're all in this together by ourselves." (Lily Tomlin)

"We are members of a vast cosmic orchestra in which each living instrument is essential to the complimentary and harmonious playing of the whole." (J. Allen Boone)

"When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not." (Mark Twain)

THE TRUTH IS: "Inspiration is everywhere. If you're ready to appreciate it, an ant can be one of the wonders of the universe." (Anonymous)

I hope everyone is having a fantastic day and wish for you peace, love, joy and happiness. Gratefully yours, Kathy
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/15/07 02:25 PM

I just began reading this today and started my gratitude journal. I started with 5 things, but honestly, I could have filled a page +.

I don't consider myself a negative person, however, I am not happy with my circumstances totally. Is that a contradiction?

I think I need to learn more about gratitude.
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/15/07 02:36 PM

I'm finding I'm having to think above a normal consciousness I can't think in my natural mode and "feel" grateful. It is taking practice, for me. I mean, I can make a list about the things I "should" be grateful for, but I'm aiming at feeling it through. Maybe I'm making it harder than it is, thinking it should be more like the first spiritual experience I had.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/15/07 03:01 PM

gimster, maybe you could try breathing through it instead of feeling it.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/15/07 09:43 PM

Dianne and Daisy, I'm so happy to hear you are doing this. Daisy, that makes sense to me. I think some people think our lives have to be perfect to be happy and grateful. I don't find that to be true at all. I certainly have my issues, but I try to find something within each to be thankful for.

gimster, eventually it will seep through and you will feel it. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/15/07 10:31 PM

Hi Daisy, That sounds like dis-satisfaction to me and that is good because it causes us to want to grow. Here is a recipe for gratitude for you and everyone else. I hope you like it.

Recognize and appreciate all that you have to be grateful for.

Take even the smallest successes,
Add a pinch of growth,
Focus your attention on doing everything possible to make your life a success,
Use your capabilities well,
Seek out the littlest advantages and pleasures,
Build on this precious foundation,
And things will continue to change for the better.

Finally, Apply liberal amounts of gratitude for even the smallest talents and treasures that you possess.

And remember that gratitude causes us to be honest with ourselves and to feel our feelings. We cannot be grateful and resentful at the same time. Have fun, Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/16/07 10:58 PM

Message gleaned from Oprah today:

Many of us are focusing on what we don't want. Therefore, the law of reverse is operating in our lives.

What to do: Write a list of everything you don't want in your life. Then write the opposite of what you do desire.


Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/16/07 11:14 PM

I think by being grateful for what you do have, you keep your focus on what you do want. At least it has helped me.

I also heard the message of service. Giving to others. We all have strengths and gifts to offer others. This giving is showing gratitude for your own gifts.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/17/07 03:24 AM

I thought of this forum topic today while taking communion to shut-ins. I was trying to think of what these once vibrant, very active, dynamic people who are now flat on their backs in care centers have to be thankful for. That is the true test, giving thanks in rotten situations. I decided they would have to be thankful for the people who care for, visit, and show them love. I pray I get better at this before that time arrives in my life.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/17/07 03:27 AM

You will, Dotsie, you will.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/17/07 08:45 PM

Hi everyone, According to James Ray, (from the Secret,) "Whatever we fear or love will come into our life." So if we focus on what we fear we will attract what we fear. If we focus on what we love, we will attract what we love. When we learn to be absolutely grateful for right where we are, the master key of gratitude will open the door to our natural state of abundance.

If we make gratitude a daily habit I'm sure we will look for the good in everything as we go along in this life. At least that is my intention.

The gratitude community is growing and I am so grateful for being a part of it. And I am grateful for everyone participating. Thank you, Kathy
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/17/07 09:48 PM

Kathy, I love the word gratitude as a substitute for celebration, which I think has been overused and has lost much of its meaning. Have you used the words and concepts interchangably? How do celebrations fit into your life?
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/17/07 10:32 PM

Hi, Kathy. I've been reading along this month and have 25 items on my grateful list. I still have trouble being grateful every day. Do you believe there is such a thing as biorythm cycles (spiritual, physical and psychological) and that they can affect us? How can a life turn around from hot to not in one month? I'm having trouble getting back on track.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 01:41 AM

Hi Anno, I haven't used the words interchangebly. Some other words for celebrate are: honor, observe, and glorify. I like the word grace also which has these other words: observe, dignify, thanks and blessings. I love to play around with words when I write. It is fun for me. Thanks for asking. Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 02:10 AM

Hi Saundra, I'm sorry I don't know anything about biorythm cycles. As far as staying on track, it's important to write down five things each day that we are grateful for to build the habit. It is good to review the five things before we go to bed at night. I think of five things before I throw the covers off and it sets my tone for the day.

Once we have developed the habit of gratitude it can be empowering. It can have lasting benefits for personal and social development, individual health and well-being, and community strength and harmony. Gratitude builds people skills for loving and showing appreciation. It prompts us to stretch ourselves to think of creative ways to repay kindness. It can also act as a prevention in our minds by changing thoughts from anger and hostility to those of appreciation and joy.

We all have challenges to deal with but being in a state of gratitude will help us deal with them with a better frame of mind. If some particular issue or person is bothersome to you, try to write down five things about the situation or the person that you could be grateful for and see if it does not cause you to stretch yourself into a more gentle frame of mind. The practice of gratitude is simple and it is free, yet it is profound. I am sure of this because I have experienced it and I know many others who have also experienced it. So keep on keeping on with gratitude and I'm sure you will experience a beneficial shift. Thanks for sharing, Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 06:37 PM

Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 06:41 PM


I am so grateful for meeting challenges head-on.
We see mistakes as learning experiences in disguise,
And reach serenity in the midst of turmoil--
It's not what happens to us, but what we make of it that counts.

I am so grateful for living with integrity.
Leaving the scene before an argument starts,
Refusing to react to another's bad mood,
Not taking everything said to me personally
Cultivates my practice of self-control.

I am so grateful for an attitude adjustment.
When everything seems to be falling apart
A darn good idea is to turn to the Self,
Feel the chaos for only a moment
And understand that life is readjusting itself.

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 07:22 PM

i been reading this thread but not posting i thought of you all today and it helped with the situasion at hand.1

as i woke this am moving from dream to wake my wee voice in my head 2 said take a taxie to hosp....i woke and thought hosp.... lol No, lol i had semi forgoten hosp apt but though ok fair enough get taxi 3 as im getting over a bug....potencial accedent or whatever.

got their for assesment for opp 4 on back not looking forwared to it as it resembles all in wresttling session. I come away very soar.

consultent decides 5, to give me steroid injections into both hips, their socets, and the socet of right arm, gulp...wasent expecting that. So while their descussing the lenth verses the boar of neadle!!!lol like i needed to hear that! i am praying, 6 nurse askes why i quite without a blink i told her why i was quite. While doing the injections their saying swear if you want to 7 lol, i was joking back 8 had to abort the arm to get local pain injection 9 then they carried on. nurse was glasweigien 10 i brok into slang we laughed 11.

Thank doc he laughed said dont thank me i was hurting you, i went yea but long term 13...

partner ill at home with child. i phoned them 12 and whinged got a "their their love u be ok"11. said some more prayers having cofe 14 waiting for taxie. Re-set my attitude 15 felt less sorry for self 16 thought of you lot again and this thread 17 hobbled to taxi passed young man in wheelchair both legs amputated above knew last amputasion just finished with 18 was happy i still had the legs and hips even if they did hurt

I promised child 20 id take him to park after hosp, couldn't disapoint him do kept my was worth it 21 his delight and giggles on slides etc.

had tastie convience food in house 22 and strong painkikllers 23

wasent gonna post this day events as not intresting to anyone else really but when i relized what an ongoing effect this thread was having on me decided i would 24 once child was in bed 25.

today i was gratfull for self trust, god, prayer, doctors, a carring partner, child, countrie i lived in, religious/spiritule freedom, monie for taxies, convience food, having a child, abilitie to keep word, and you ladies (genrilly) with this thread (spacifically). I put a wee number by every point or event weer I felt gratfull or thankfull...

the end of day soar yep but would of been anyway, head and hart good really good and much healthier than if i felt sorry for times my head was trying to take me their (due to pain) but open eyes and willingness easily lead me back to good place.....i havent worked as hard at feeling and being as gratfull for what feels like quite a long time....gratitude big part of my working life (addiction espically around na aa or nar annon work/programes) ironic eh!....time to more practice what i preach lol

think i will go back to doing daily gratitude lists just to keep it toped up.

so too everyone thanks for all you said heer with this post

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 07:27 PM

i was writting this post when you posted the ...thoughts for today lol....we even used one of the same phrazies lol and must of been written them at the same time (or did you have yours pre written lol)

Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 11:45 PM

This is a great story and exactly how gratitude begins to work when we work it. (By being grateful) Thank you for sharing and I wish you the best. In gratitude, Kathy
Posted by: copper317

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/18/07 11:53 PM

hi all,
I'm new to this site and have joined at a very difficult time in my life. I have recently watched the dvd The Secret and it also talks about Gratitude. I have been trying to keep myself positive and grateful. I have tough times ahead but will continue to be grateful for the stregnth that I have to do what is necessary for myself and my kids.
Glad to be here to hear your voices
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/19/07 01:16 AM

copper hi and welcome...if you feel brave enough try posting that you are new in the welcom part of the forum then everyone will be alerted to the fact that you are new and will welcome you instead of stumbling upon you in a post. If some tenderness and support is needed that is a fast way to interact and get to know some of the wonderfull women that are heer. If you feel too shy doing that then not to worrie, its not obligotory, i noticed your name and didnt think i had meet you before so just wanted to say hi to you.

you found a good thread to be involved in if you are trying to be positive and greatfull, i hope it is such a good comphort to you...

I am sorrie to learn that you have and are having tough times i am sure that you will recive the care that is necassary for you at the minet. If i can ever be of help to you then feel welcoome to give me a shout. Their is a lot of kind and carring women heer with all diffrent types of backgrounds and situasion, their bound to be someone going through similare sitasions or circumstancies to yours.

well hope to be chatting to you again and hope the difficulties that you have are eased in some way for you

talk soon love celtic
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/19/07 01:36 AM

Thanks, Kathy. As soon as I read the thought for the day I could hear that old song in my head so I'm singing it (off key). Anyone else remember it? "I Got A New Attitude!" Today, five foods went on my grateful list with chocolate as #1. Sometimes it's as simple as that. Wish it always was.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/19/07 02:26 AM

Copper. I just replied to your introduction in the welcome thread. Funny, but I suggested you go to this thread for some comfort, and here you were.

I am a big Secret fan. It helps during good and hard times. Good luck to you.

Saundra - I remember that song. It;s a great theme song for this thread. Thanks for bringing it back to the forefront of my brain. Your right, somedays it is simple. Other days - I have to rack my brain. Or is it my heart?
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/19/07 02:46 AM

Cooper, no matter how intense the problem, or your thoughts of how you are going to make it, precisely in those moments, think of something you have to be grateful for. No matter how painful it may seem, keep thinking, what am I grateful for, what can I be grateful for, and soon you will make a shift and come to the other side. It does work.
My blessings to you, Eileen
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/19/07 01:27 PM


Start taking time to appreciate yourself and what you have achieved. Rely on the power that shines from within. It will never let you down!

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/19/07 11:10 PM

Kathy, why do you think women so often are not able to think of the good they have done but focus on what they haven't? Is it us trying to be a super woman?
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/19/07 11:34 PM

lol...Dianne, your question made me think of a quote I read lately... "We got it all done, but we still died." I don't know why that popped into my head. Don't know what article or book I read it in, or if it's verbatim.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 01:08 AM

Come on girls. We have soooo much to appreciate about ourselves. Think about it harder.

I appreciate my honesty. I appreciate my beauty, which is different, I know, but I still am beautiful

I appreciate that I give to others and am so loyal, it sometimes is almost pathetic (but in a good way).

I appreciate that I am bright and quick and love to learn.

Now, how about you? Do you need me to tell you what I appreciate about you (because I will)?
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 01:31 AM

Hi Dianne, I think that women are born with natural care taking skills. As early as one and a half to two we are carrying our dolls and wrapping them in their blankets, giving them their bottles and even wanting to change them. I think these skills are just taken for granted too often. As we get busier and busier we often neglect ourselves. We become super moms because there is just so much to be done. And, good little care takers that we are, we try to do it all. Now, this is just another of the many good reasons to learn gratitude. We all want to feel appreciated. It is important for us to learn to appreciate ourselves. Especially if we are in an enviornment where we do not feel appreciated. Until we stop and appreciate ourselves, others won't appreciate us either. I have learned to appreciate and love myself. In this way I do not have to seek love outside of myself. And ironically I have more love coming to me now than I ever did before. Until gratitude became an unconscious habit for me, I did not know gratitude. Now there isn't a day in my life without gratitude. Thank you for asking this question. Kathy
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 01:33 AM

Dear Ladies:

Kathy and I will be leaving early in the morning for our "Oceans of Gratitude Cruise" returning on the 28th.
While we are gone, we will have some thoughts on gratitude
posted every day.

Thank you. Eileen
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 01:40 AM

Have a wonderful time, full of gratitude. Grateful you are here, on the forums.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 03:09 PM

My Mother gets up every single day, (She's almost 80) and always has, and throws open the front door and says, "Morning World!" She does so with gusto and growing up, I can tell you it was embarrassing to me.

But as I grew mentally, I realized that this how she chose to start her day, being grateful. I thank the good Lord above that she taught me how to start mine.

As the girls have said, gratitude is a choice. Make the choice each day to have a good day and watch what follows. The thing I have found to be true is that once you've set your mind on the GRATITUDE CHANNEL, you can't go back. Once you've learned to be thankful for, and to look for the good in things, you can't go back to being negative and down.

Yes, things happen and you have to deal with them. Be grateful that you have the THINGS to deal with. This means you are alive and can make choices!

Think about this. Who wants to be around someone who is down all the time? Who is negative? You've all testified that you've had situations like this and couldn't wait to get away from the negativity. This alone proves that the world WANTS and NEEDS to feel good.

Feel good. It's easy. It's your choice.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 03:33 PM


My heart maintaining a steady, rhythmic beat.

Leaving the doctor's office with a clean bill of health.

Sunglasses shielding you from the sun's powerful rays.

A friend listening to my story with an understanding heart.

A shoulder to cry on or a great big bear hug.

The ability to express love and receive it.

The opportunity to live yet another day.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 03:49 PM

Today I am grateful for a beautiful yellow sun, clear blue sky and temps in the upper 30's, perhaps even hitting 40.

Today I am grateful that I have a partner that loves me, wants to spend time with me and grows with me each and every day.

Today I am grateful that I am alive, well and healthy.

Today I am grateful for all of the people in my life that I love completely and without hesitation.

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/20/07 05:01 PM

Today I am grateful that I got a good chuckle from my friend, Anno, thinking the upper 30's is warm!
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 05:24 AM

Time for a story.
I had to go to the ophthalmologist today. It was a new patient visit to this particular doctor, but I had been to this facility before. The young lady at check-in asked if all my information was still correct. I said "yes", but had already handed her my insurance card. She found me in the system, so really didn't need my card, but before returning it to me, she checked it against her computer screen. My co-pay had been $25 and she noticed (from my card) that it had risen to $40. She was apologizing left and right, "I am so sorry. It has gone up, I am so sorry. I'll have to ask to see your credit card again, I am so sorry." I handed her my credit card and, without thinking, said, "I'm thankful it isn't $100." And, guess what, it wasn't a trite remark... I actually felt IT! It was an unconscious recognition!!! Heehee, progress.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 02:13 PM

Yeah! Gimster!!

I'm grateful that you're seeing progress!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 02:55 PM

cool Gimster a nice example....

Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 03:10 PM


Give thanks every morning to set the tone for the day.

Before eating, give thanks to your food.

Thank your loved ones for the little things they do.

Find a gratitude partner and share by phone or e-mail.

Go for a walk and notice all the beauty there is in nature.

Praise a fellow worker for a job well done.

Send out thank you notes more often.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 04:31 PM

Wow gimster...I guess that's what all this is about. Nice story.

I'm just wondering...Is there any way that a negative person can be changed? Has anyone ever been able to accomplish that?
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 05:21 PM

Lead by example. I truly do not believe we can CHANGE other people. And I don't believe it is our "job" to do so.

But, I DO believe that we can help others looking for answers, or a better way to live, by the example we set in our own day-to-day living.

Therefore, I try to live one that shows the positive side of life, or live in gratitude, or happy, happy, happy (not perky, I don't do perky) and I try to lead one that I wouldn't mind Mamma finding out know?

Make sense?
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 06:15 PM

On top of "lead by example", add:
Don't patronize.
Don't ostracize.
Don't criticize.
Don't proselytize.
DO try to understand what makes the person negative.

Just my thinking - things that would help me.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/21/07 07:17 PM

Great thoughts.

One never knows the seeds they are planting for others by the way they choose to live their lives. I can think of several women who live in optimistic lives and I want to be like them.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/22/07 08:28 PM

the negative peson can change but only if they are a lightbulb lol. ...sorry but only if they want too...I do belive people can change more or less anything about themselfs lol i dont hold for the leopard and their spots therie

But if ones leading by example JUST for someone to follow then into change thats more than likly setting up scope for resentment in the future.

Live your life and if its an example for someone then all the better for you and them...

or pay their counselling bill lol

Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/22/07 09:07 PM


Stop complaining and start praising.

Focus on what is good instead of what is bad.

When you have a problem, count your blessings.

Be grateful in advance for all the things you want to happen in your life.

Be grateful for what you have, and do not dwell on what you don't have.

If in a distressed state, ask yourself "what can I be grateful for now."

Focus on your gifts instead of things that undermine your happiness.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/22/07 09:30 PM

When I said lead by example, I meant live your life the way you want to. And not FOR others but for yourself. If its a good example, all the better because it is as Dotsie said, you never know who might be watching (such as your children, grandchildren, co-worker, spouse) and emulate your life and style.

TODAY: My coffee pot of 10 years die on me. BEFORE I got my coffee. It's 3:25 in the afternoon and I haven't killed anybody yet. I didn't even kick the dog. What I DID do is say, "hey great! Now I can get that new coffee pot I've been wanting! Wuhooo!"

Course, I did lick the old filter. What? I'm kidding. But I did stuff my mouth with chocolate. Hey, a girl's gotta get her caffeine, k?
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/23/07 03:18 PM


You start to appreciate ordinary things.

You will feel more calm and peaceful.

You will become more aware of the beauty of nature.

You will realize that all experiences are blessings.

You will spend less time in worry and fear.

You will feel more spiritually connected.

You will notice that the list of things to be grateful for is endless.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/23/07 07:36 PM

I'm here to tell you, this concept works.
For those not accustom to it (ummm, that would be me), it may take a while, but eventually it comes more naturally.
I pissed and moaned when a certain person called this morning, but after I got off, I was grateful it was a short call - she ended the call, which is unusual.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/24/07 01:40 AM

Way cool!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/24/07 04:02 AM

yea good list felt more calmer as i read it
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/24/07 04:31 PM


Gratitude research is begining to suggest that feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems, especially stress (Drs Emmons and McMullogh)

Grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions like satisfaction, vitality, optismism and lower levels of depression amd stress (Drs Emmons and McCullough)

If you want to get healthier, give thanks. Grateful people have an edge when it comes to health.

"Thankfulness brightens your spirit, glows like sunshine and warms like summer sunbeams"--T.T. Braun

Research from the HeartMath has shown that positive emotions including appreciation increase harmony in the heart's rhythmic beating patterns. Overall, the body functions are more balanced and the nervous and immune system functions are enhanced.

"Being thankful during trials and tribulations is the soothing balm of a mother's love and power that opens the treasury of eternal wisdom"--T.T.Braun

Boost your health with a dose of gratitude.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/24/07 06:34 PM

Today I am grateful that I have a car with four wheel drive.

I am grateful that I have a beautiful grandson with two loving moms that I love as if they were my own daughters.

I am grateful that I have great health and have learned how to deal with all of the stressors in my life.

I am grateful that my sister will be returning from England tommorow and I will be able to talk to her once again.

Have a day full of gratitude.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/24/07 06:51 PM

I realized how grateful I am for reading glasses this morning as I was journaling. They seem like such a simple thing...and yet without them...I couldn't even post this comment...I think of all the people who have worked on developing them and the different lenses and frames that are available...and how inexpensive they are...cause I need a pair in every room, my purse, the car ...I think about how available they are...when I forget mine, they are easily replaced...I think of all the fun styles they come in...reading glasses rock...I am grateful!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/24/07 07:46 PM

Today I am grateful that I have passed on being grateful to my daughter and grandson. We agreed that we are going end our daily conversation with what we are grateful for that particular day.

She turned to her six year old son and asked him what he was grateful for and he said, in this order(chuckle) X Box, Mom, Dad, Nanny and Poppy, Buddy(my dog) and God.(lump in throat)

I am grateful that I am alive and well to pass gratefulness on to my generations to come. Why oh why didn't I have the sense to do this sooner?

My children are in Canada and I am so far away from them. Thanksgiving should be a daily affair. It will be for us from now on.

chick (grateful for being grateful) Pass it on!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/25/07 06:26 PM


"Gratitude is the trailblazer to happiness. Do you want to be happy? Be grateful. If you are grateful, then you will not be unhappy."--Lionel Ketchian,

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a reslut of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."--Frederick Keonig

Look for the good in all that you have to do, and in everything that happens to you, and you'll be happier.

"Grateful people tend to be the happiest," says Dr. Michael McMullough, of the Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness.

Focusing on gifts one has been given is an antidote to envy, resentment, regret and other negative states that undermine happiness.

If you are not happy as you would like to be, it is because you are not as thankful as you could be.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/25/07 07:44 PM

I am filled with gratitude today for wonderful neighbors. After being dumped on with a foot of snow last night, all the neighbors were out with plows, shovels and brooms helping everyone clear the mess.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/25/07 08:41 PM

I am filled with gratitude that I have Caller ID.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/25/07 10:45 PM

Ahhh...caller ID...that's why you didn't answer when I called...what...I was just kidding...I didn't try to call...I was just making a joke...I'm grateful that you aren't going to throw me in the aren't...are you?

Seriously, I am grateful for this wonderful forum for sharing our gratitudes. And I am grateful for my Granny's buttercups and my granddaughter's smiles...both light up my world!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/26/07 04:10 PM


It will give you a new perspective on life.

It will raise your energy.

You will feel less stress.

Your awareness will increase when you focus on what you have.

It will add value to your life.

Gratitude doesn't cost anything.

It will open your heart to love.

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/27/07 12:05 AM

chick, what a great thing to start with grandchildren. You will always be blessed.

Just thought I'd share that I was away for a few days. I offered up prayers, even wrote one before a meeting, but I didn't take my journal and continue the habit I have at home of journaling, giving thanks, praying for others and doing a little Bible study. Even though I was away and having a great time, I didn't count my blessings. I missed it. From now on the journal goes with me.

Kathy, it certainly adds value!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/27/07 12:35 AM

I will miss this thread. Thank you so much for writing your beautiful book and sharing with us this past month. I am grateful for your wisdom.
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/27/07 03:18 PM


"Look closely and you will find that people are happy because they are grateful. The opposite of gratefulness is just taking everything for granted."--David Steindl Rast in "The Music of Silence."

"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway."--Emory Austin

"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch heaven."--Johannes A. Gaertner quoted in "Words of Gratitude" by Robert A. Emmons and Joanna Hill

"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."
--Helen Keller

"Gratitude is the heart's memory".--French Proverb

"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one of them to say 'thank you'?"--William A. Ward

"If the only prayer you say in your life in 'thank you', that would suffice."--Meister Eckhart

Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/27/07 04:46 PM

Loved the quotes, and I've never read them before. Thanks for posting them. Yes...I feel gratitude.
Posted by: gims

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/28/07 02:43 AM

This has certainly been a good thread. Glad Eileen and Kathy were featured authors after I joined. Thank you ladies for making February a better month for me!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/28/07 02:58 AM

Gimster, it seems like you have made so much progress this month. Congratulations! You just keep on going girlfriend. I see greatness for you.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 02/28/07 03:43 AM

I, too have enjoyed this this thread. Eileen and Kathy...thanks so much for your inspiration...just the spark I needed!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 03/01/07 12:12 AM

yea thanks to the writter ladies its been exilent and the other members for their input

Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 03/01/07 01:32 AM

Thank you Dotsie and Georgia for allowing us to have this Forum experience, and to all of you who joined in with your thoughts, comments, questions and personal sharing. It was great to see that you all shared your gratitudes while we were gone. And that Gimster experienced the feeling of gratitude! We are so incredibly grateful to hear this. Our cruise only strengthened our practice of gratitude. The experience of personally being with Dr. Emoto was so wonderful--a true miracle that we could participate in this, the first gratitude cruise.

So begin to appreciate each and every blessing that crosses your path. When the heart is grateful, then everything else is peaceful.

We leave you with our blessing from "Gratitude Works":

May gratitude cause you to reflect and follow your heart;
May you find balance in your life and grow in spirit;
May beauty surround you and may love embrace you;
May you find serenity in nature and experience the joy of having fun;
May you transcend your troubles and harvest the goodness within;
May your prayers of thanksgiving be answered kindly;
May the gifts of prosperity and abundance follow you every day;

Signing off with---------

May you begin each day in the spirit of Gratitude
With Oceans of Love and a kiss on each wave.

Gratefully, Eileen and Kathy
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 03/01/07 02:23 PM

Thans to both of you for doing such a wonderful job. I especially appreciated the way you posted from your cruise. Sprinkling blessings all around!
Posted by: KathyScherer811

Re: Gratitude Works, Katherine Scherer and Eileen Bodo - 03/01/07 02:37 PM

You are very welcome, Dotsie. We are happy we could sprinkle some blessings from our oceans of gratitude cruise.

Blessings always,
Eileen and Kathy