
Posted by: Saundra

Unemployment - 01/21/09 02:36 AM

For anyone who was following the thread under "Please vote for me" when I admitted I had a problem (lost my job), I have some answers.

All that crap we read on the Internet is misleading. It looks like they use only 4 quarters out of the last 5 highest. I was told it would take at least 14 days and that they are behind. I received my paperwork in today's mail - just a little over one week.

Here in Florida, all unemployment offices were closed and they opened "One Stop Career Centers" where you can use their computers to sign up for unemployment, printers to print 5 copies of your resume, surf the web for jobs, ask questions they have no answers for, etc.

I got help with my resume since it's been awhile and some of the rules have changed. Education now goes at the bottom instead of the top. Resumes are to be 1-1/2 pages, but mine is 2 pages because I'm old. She said it's because of ageism and I said, "They'll know how old I am when they see me."

I've had a good experience with them, if you can call unemployment a good experience.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Unemployment - 01/21/09 05:51 AM

Sandra, with respect to resume length..it depends abit on the employer and industry sector.

My resume is actually 2.5 pgs. long and yes, I have landed interviews with several different employers over the past few years. It includes being flown by air several hundred kms. away, at hiring employer's expense for intensive interviews. It helps such employers to assess and shortlist candidates if one gives enough (not a whole essay) key information about self that relates to job.

Same resume length was used to land the new job that I fill now. Jobs that I had 15-20 years ago, have briefer info. on what I did vs. more recent jobs.

Education: I put my university degree initials beside my name at top of resume. Actual educational insitutions and completed degrees/certificates are listed in section after list of jobs that I had.

Don't know about the nature of the jobs you've had.
I have reviewed resumes to hire and interview people for other organizations.

What I have heard directly from consultants and HR folks is that it is easier quickly assess candidates by listing jobs in chronological order but with format that has a section that highlights in bullet points your core skill areas and expertise that is applicable to a wide variety of employers in different industry sectors.

I have recently seen resumes of licensed engineers in North America, who have had so many different jobs because in 1 engineering project their job role and job titles, may change 3 times in 4 years. They list all those job titles...! As a result, engineering resumes can become highly detailed, slightly repetitive in parts and in some cases, longer than 2 pages.

How mobile are you willing to be Sandra? Are you applying for any jobs outside of Florida?

Perhaps this something the majority of BMWS women don't do as much as other women I know in other groups --meaning applying for jobs far from current home city/location.

There are still men over 60 who are still landing contracts and jobs outside of their home city/location.

Posted by: Saundra

Re: Unemployment - 01/21/09 10:16 PM

Thanks for the info, Orchid. I feel better about my resume now. BTW, my name is SaUndra. People always miss the "U" in my name.

My jobs are in chronological order with sections highlighted in bullet points for core skill areas and expertise applicable to a wide variety of employers in different industry sectors.

They also want a core objective/statement at the top under name. I'm uncomfortable having my address and phone # on my resume on the Internet but see no other way. Any suggestions?

Not looking outside of my city at this time because of injuries and pain, making it difficult to find a job I can do. My last job was only 6-1/2 hours a day which was manageable. I'm 62 this year and would like a new spine for my birthday.

I wonder if it's a lazy Florida or American thing that employers don't want to read more than 1-1/2 pages. Maybe she was right and it's all about ageism. There are jobs I'm not willing to take off my resume, so they're staying there.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Unemployment - 01/21/09 11:58 PM

Its everywhere my dear... The people responsible for hiring look at three things, longevity on past jobs, appearance, (yes its true) and salary you are willing to take, they don't even look at experience that much as most want to train you their way. At least thats what the couple living next to my son say and they are HEAD HUNTERS finding employees for many companies here in town.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Unemployment - 01/22/09 02:54 AM

Originally Posted By: chatty lady
Its everywhere my dear... The people responsible for hiring look at three things, longevity on past jobs, appearance, (yes its true) and salary you are willing to take, they don't even look at experience that much as most want to train you their way. At least thats what the couple living next to my son say and they are HEAD HUNTERS finding employees for many companies here in town.

Longevity in past jobs is important..up to a certain point. But in order for employers to assess a candidate's potential for learning quickly, being flexible to adapt to frequent organizational change and technological changes within 1 organization, the resume more desirably show evidence of the person's capability to be quite flexible and resourceful particularily if their role for 1 employer has changed over the years or working for several different employers.

For the past 10 years, I actually have 2-3 slightly different resumes at any given time. Each resume is targeted for 3 different types of jobs.

My resume format is in following content order/sequence:

MY NAME, university degree initials. personal contact info.

Summary statement of overall expertise. (I don't state what I want, I state what I am. This statement is adjusted per job type. It is 2 lines long.)

Summary bullet list of my strongest skills. Bullet list lists approx. 6 different skill areas where listed jobs later on will be "evidence".

Then listing of my past jobs --with employer name, city location. AND their website. (this cuts down the future employers from trying to figure out what type of firm/industry I worked in. In some cases, I give exact website of the library that I worked in. Each job highlights core work and 1-2 major achievements.

My educational history. (only post high school)

Summary of computer software platforms and licensed research databases as an applications developer, systems administrator and instructor. I do identify which software I have intermediate vs. basic level.

Summary of professional associations & any corresponding committee work, list of some published articles in professional journals.

Summary of other personal activities/interests. Sometimes this is blank. But I do include something more often..now only 1 line. I tend to choose to list activities that are: creative / show physical activity/endurance. I know this sounds absurd, but anything to smash the rickety-old bones 50+ stereotype.

I have a resume on the surface, looks scattered with a wierd assortment of employers. So I need to state on the lst page that shows I'm NOT scattered, I am highly flexible and adaptable to a wide range of corporate cultures.

Employers do want candidates that not only are trainable, but fit their culture and resilient --can cope with whatever big changes the organizational throws at them.

I have a close friend who is just 1 yr. younger than I. We've known each other since early 20's. She has a work history like mine...highly diverse range of employers and over 8-9 different jobs since 1983. (when we both graduated together from university). Like myself, she just started a new job as well recently that does use her formal training.

Posted by: Saundra

Re: Unemployment - 01/22/09 10:33 PM

You are all so helpful. I'm not as organized as you are Orchid nor do I have your training and experience. I am who I am (I loved Popeye).

I had 6 managers in the last 5 years. How's that for change and flexibility, Chatty. Everyone wants you to do it their way and I am nothing if not trainable. I always follow the rules.

Today I applied for a 35/hr a week part time secretarial/admin asst job. The employer is anonymous in the ad. That's how I feel with thousands of applicants out there.

I have my phone # and city on my resume now. Took off the address and I feel better about it. Feel better today and hope to stay positive.