Loss of pet

Posted by: cobeemom

Loss of pet - 11/11/05 05:32 PM

We added a second foxhound to our home two years ago because our first hound, Polly, was a high energy, attention loving wonderful dog. Since hounds are pack dogs, we adopted a relocated foxhound who really was a wonderful pet and companion for Polly. Willoughby recently became very ill and, sadly, we had to put her to sleep. Now Polly is back to her high energy, attention seeking behaviors. She's a great dog but is wearning us out. We recently moved to a condo so adopting another dog is not in the plan. Any ideas?
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Loss of pet - 11/11/05 06:42 PM

Cobeemom, welcome to the site! I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved Willoughby.

I also have a high energy dog, a Weimaraner, and they are bred to run in the field all day hunting. She is rather calm, but it my be because I take her to the dog park just about every evening. Do you have any dog parks in your area? She loves to go and every evening, she knows when it's time.

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Loss of pet - 11/11/05 07:24 PM

I recently lost an adopted dog. Painful. I take my other dog for walks which seems to make her happy.
Posted by: cobeemom

Re: Loss of pet - 11/12/05 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Daisygirl:
Cobeemom, welcome to the site! I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved Willoughby.

I also have a high energy dog, a Weimaraner, and they are bred to run in the field all day hunting. She is rather calm, but it my be because I take her to the dog park just about every evening. Do you have any dog parks in your area? She loves to go and every evening, she knows when it's time.


Posted by: cobeemom

Re: Loss of pet - 11/12/05 02:07 AM

We live in a small town in NH so there is no dog park here but there is one ine the neighboring town. She loves to go--really wears her out but I can't get there as often as she needs it. Because she is a hound, if she gets loose, she takes off--nose to the ground and runs for miles. I use an electronic collar and have trained her with use of a tone sound. She's a great dog but cerainly a hand full!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Loss of pet - 11/12/05 05:08 AM

Thats just the way it is and unless she is walked a couple times a day she will remain high energy. Some dogs just are. Thats why I tell all the folks coming to the SPCA to adopt a pet to make sure their surrondings are conducive to the behavior of this particular pet. Get use tio it cobeemom because she isn't going to change any time soon...She sounds like a real sweetheart.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Loss of pet - 11/12/05 06:36 AM

How about getting another dog and they can wear each other out. It's kind of the same with children. When you have just one, you have to be their buddy on vacation and for play at home, but when they have a sibling, they have someone else to play - and fight- with.
Posted by: cobeemom

Re: Loss of pet - 11/12/05 05:31 PM

That is the reason we got Willoughby, the second hound. But moving to a condo, another dog Polly's size (60 lbs.) doesn't make sense. A smaller dog wouldn't be able to handle the playfulness. I think we are going to start taking her with us. She is generally well behaved (unless she sees another do) and loves to ride in the car. With cold weather in NH it's hard to put her outside for too long. Thanks for the thought--we loved having two animals and it is tempting.
Posted by: whatnow

Re: Loss of pet - 11/13/05 02:24 AM

How about getting your dog a cat? Especially a kitten, since kitten's are pretty much manic 24/7.

I'm so sorry to hear about Willoughby. It's so hard when they go.

[ November 12, 2005, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: whatnow ]
Posted by: KathleenGageSpeaker

Re: Loss of pet - 11/13/05 05:37 AM

So sorry to hear about your loss. I have been through that several times. Mostly due to old age.

With one dog, we got him a Ferret. Did the trick.

Posted by: ladybug

Re: Loss of pet - 11/14/05 01:15 AM

Cobeemom, I'm so sorry about your dear Willoughby. Our pets are like family. I held my dog Oliver when he had to be euthanized. We were all sick over him for weeks after that. I still miss him and that was in 1992.

Daisygirl is that your cute pooch in the pet contest of JawJaws? I love the picture of her!
Posted by: cobeemom

Re: Loss of pet - 11/14/05 02:14 AM

Thanks for the good thoughts--we are shying away from any other animals although we would love a dog. We are now empty nesters and want to enjoy a bit of freedom that goes along with that. How about toys--any favorites? I'm also thinking of having Polly get involved in some dog 'gymnatics' or games. She's quite athletic but highly distracted by other dogs.
Posted by: MossPatch

Re: Loss of pet - 11/23/05 10:34 PM

I'm sorry for the loss of your Willoughby. Does your vet have any suggestions? Are there any breed clubs that you can contact for help? I'm not sure that a smaller dog wouldn't be able to handle Polly; little dogs tend not to know they're small! And two dogs can be boarded together without getting lonely. A last resort may be, if you haven't tried it, crate training Polly for a few hours now and then to give you some freedom?
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Loss of pet - 11/24/05 05:37 AM

I feel your loss of your dog . I lost my Yorkie last year my Margo she was 11 years old . She was sick for so long and haven't gotten a yorkie yet. I need a rest . We are baysitting my daughters do a 13 week yorkie name ChiBi she is so cute . I watch her four days a week and she is being crate trained and doing well for the potty .

Take your time in even thinking of getting a new dog .