Naval Officer

Posted by: Dee

Naval Officer - 01/05/11 12:56 AM

I am floored to hear about the naval commanding officer who thought it was funny to make a video making fun of gays, women, bondage, masterbation, etc. Now people are calling HIM the victim wanting to know who's stirring up trouble for him.
All he needs do is look in the mirror. What the hell was he thinking?
I put the military uniform on when I was 25 years young. Women had no rights in a man's military at the time and we had to put up with some pretty crass behavior. It's taken years for women to be given the respect they deserve. This knuckle head comes along and the only way he can boost morale is to record himself and his alter egos by simulating all kinds of immoral behaviors in the name of fun? Is he crazy?
Anytime our American commanders stoop to this degrading level in the name of whatever he wants to call it they need to be yanked from their position and be replaced with a person who knows how to respect the uniform, the commanding position and the armed forces.
I find what he has done embarrassing, degrading, infantile and downright jaw dropping. If anyones deserves to be pulled from his position it's this guy. He is not fit morally and certainly his behavior and lack of judgement supports that. I hope they boot him out of the military.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Naval Officer - 01/05/11 02:32 PM

I don't understand this either, unless someone got jealous of the
guy and decided to go public with the videos. They were done 4 years ago they say. And his superiors knew about it and promoted him anyway. Tons of co-workers are backing him. I think he was
trying to be funny and lost sight of his responsibility to set
a good example for his crew. The comic relief cost him dearly,
that's for sure. Last I heard, he was fired.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Naval Officer - 01/05/11 05:44 PM

His idea of comic relief is majorly screwed up.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Naval Officer - 01/05/11 07:46 PM

Posted by: jabber

Re: Naval Officer - 01/06/11 02:23 PM

You know this is a sad situation; he had such an excellent record apart from this nonsense. Perhaps he's like some parents
who try too hard to be a friend to their kids, slacking off
on the guardian side of their responsibility. I don't know.
I admire you for your services to our country. May God bless you
for that. That shows more courage than I can imagine!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Naval Officer - 01/06/11 03:30 PM

I think when you read a handbook on how NOT to be a good example as a commanding officer, this will be number 1. I had a wonderful commander who was funny, jovial and made us laugh but he never degraded anyone and never did anything at the expense of others for a laugh. There are a bazillion ways to boost morale...what he did is show his true colors and they are ugly, prejudiced, unchristian and plain sick. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he goes before his superiors to try and defend this mess he's gotten himself into.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Naval Officer - 01/06/11 04:02 PM

anyone who degrades another is actually looking at their own crevices.What has been said and done to them.They never admit this not even to themselves.Its always the "other"
loose language used tells all.In trying to degrade they are actually in a round about way trying to heal.They dont know this and some never find out
But this is not an excuse...its a reason and there is a vaste difference.
And when this character trait gets promotion...we see the results.

Listen to people...I read a lot of essays as a lecturer and this kind of behaviour leaks into written work too.
Think about the poltican in Pakistan who was shot this week by his guard..for defending his belief about women..The politican spoke out knowing he was at risk ..
I was fortunate to be brought up in an enviorment of respect and this has served me well..but I am still always shocked when I meet those who attempt to harm others with words..
Posted by: Dee

Re: Naval Officer - 01/07/11 02:13 AM

Not only did this man's words floor me but the extreme way he went to film degrading things with himself, other officers/women/men. It was unspeakable for a man of his position.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Naval Officer - 01/07/11 02:10 PM

This "Honors" must be smart or he wouldn't have reached the
plateau he did. So it's really mind-bloggling to try to figure
out what he was thinking. You'd think he would know better than
to film himself doing such goofy stuff. It's sad for someone
that high in rank to be dishonored, when it takes so much courage, strength, and sterling of character to be a soldier in the first place! I hope it doesn't detract from peoples' perception of The Armed Services: I pray it doesn't!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Naval Officer - 01/08/11 03:33 AM

I think most people have the highest regard for military folks. I worked on military bases for 25 years...10 in the military myself and the rest as a secretary for commanders and at one point a One-Star General. There are lots of people in positions in high places in the military who love and respect the uniform. ..this guy was just dumb enough to video tape his mental fetishes and did it while in uniform, bringing along many unfortunate sailors with him. How unfortunate.
Jabber...that's another thing...his position was a position of privilege... he worked to get there but then he has a responsibility to maintain a code of conduct that the military demands. To me he not only let the people he was commanding down with this lewd, disgusting behavior but what an embarrassment for the Navy to the rest of the world. For the Navy at the Pentagon to remain silent on this, for me, is just not right. They should have jumped on this immediately...I hope they are in the mix somewhere with having this guy yanked.