Liz + D ick =Trainwreck!

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Liz + D ick =Trainwreck! - 11/27/12 07:51 PM

Sort of like that old Alka Seltzer commercial that made famous the line "I can't believe I ate the whole thing..." I watched the entire "Liz and D ick" TV movie last night.

Who else saw it? Any comments? Thoughts about worst moments?

The sad thing that struck me was how many parallels there are between Lohan and Taylor's lives. Both achieved movie stardom at a young age, both struggled with addictions, both decided to develop some sort of fashion line, (remember: Liz offered us eyewear -- fashionable glasses) both have been dogged by paparazzi and laughed at by the press...
Posted by: Marsha Roberts

Re: Liz + D ick =Trainwreck! - 11/28/12 03:36 AM

You have more patience than I do, Anne. I thought it was so badly done that I couldn't stay with it. The thing that hit me was how lazy Lohan was concerning her performance. I didn't think she did her homework at all. I felt that she just read the script and did the part without trying to understand the person she was actually trying to bring to the screen - the incredible presence and personality of Elizabeth Taylor! Later in her life she became simply a celebrity, but in the early years Elizabeth was an amazing persona. I didn't think Lohan made a real attempt at capturing the legend that was "Liz." The actor who played Richard Burton didn't look remotely like Burton, but at least it seemed he tried to get his voice, his body language.
Frankly I think it's hard for the current generation to grasp the powerful personality of a "Star" back in "our day." The dynamics have changed so drastically with the 24-7 coverage of anyone who has any success in front of the camera.
I agree with you that there are parallels between Lohan and Taylor - but I have to say that I think Lohan is a real light weight in comparison.
But, that is just my opinion! My not so very humble opinion!
However, isn't it just grand that we have the right to express our not so very humble opinions!?!
Here's to you, Anne!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Liz + D ick =Trainwreck! - 11/29/12 12:13 AM

I agree, Marsha. I had the feeling that her lazy attitude was supposed to be received by us as sultry or sexy. Didn't work.
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Liz + D ick =Trainwreck! - 12/04/12 01:24 AM

I haven't seen this and don't plan to, but just feel compelled to snark that any studio that hires Lindsay Lohan deserves what they get. Why on earth would anyone with a functioning brain have hired her in the first place? For someone who started out as an adorable talent and fresh screen presence, she now has a loooong track record of being a complete trainwreck.

Of course, on a nonsnarky level I hope she manages to turn her life around. Until then, though, I'd be fine not hearing about her at all. She's not an actress now; she's just tabloid material. Sad.