Boomer Babes...

Posted by: chatty lady

Boomer Babes... - 03/24/08 10:11 PM

In just 18 more days my boomer babe friends will be arriving in Las Vegas, I can hardly wait...
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/25/08 06:27 AM

Who is going? Wow, I've been dieting as if I were planning to go. I'm so excited for all of you!
Posted by: diamond50

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/25/08 08:39 AM

I was going, but it turns out my family has so much going on that week.
Chatty, Dotsie, you will have a wonderful time! : )

Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/25/08 12:14 PM

I'll be there! But, Chatty, 18 days? How can I lose 20 lbs in 18 days?

Hmmm, Grapefruit diet? Cabbage soup diet? Starvation? Yikes!

Who else is going?
Posted by: jabber

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/25/08 12:57 PM

That sounds like so much fun. I would go if I could. But I'm needed here right now. Perhaps, I'll be able to make your next get-together. Vegas! Wow! That will be fun, fun, fun. Everybody enjoy yourselves to the hilt! What hotel are you staying in? Food, hotel themes, and lights in the night are my favorite part of that awesome city. Of course, the slot machines are cool, too!

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/25/08 12:59 PM

I'm in...20 pounds, Kathy? Talk to the hand, sistah...come back when it's over 40...Oh boy. I've decided to go as ME.

I can't wait. I'm so excited!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/25/08 03:38 PM

I would so love to be there too to meet everyone...just don't think I can manage it this time.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/26/08 12:13 AM

I'm going.

Today's diet (so far) is only 3 pieces of chocolate. LITTLE pieces of chocolate, which is why I can call it a diet *ahem*. Viva elastic waistbands!

Tonight I'm having tofu stir fry with lots of green veggie things -- those are minus calories, right?
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/26/08 01:04 AM

Would love to meet y'all. Maybe some day when I'm not in school?? I want lots of pictures!!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/26/08 01:11 PM

Pictures? Ahem, well, all photos must be approved prior to posting on this site - or anywhere else for that matter. I take horrible photos! The one of me in my profile is about 5 years old...

And NO cameras are allowed by the pool. None. Zero. Forget about it. You can take pics of me winning at the slot machines if you want, or a pic of me holding the giant check for $1.3 million when I win the jackpot - those are okay I guess.

Posted by: humlan

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/26/08 01:19 PM

Yonuh..are you in school? What are you doing there? Studing what?? O, I am terribly interested..if you care to share!!!

And I am so JEALOUS of you all meeting in are going to set the palce on fire with all your talking, laughing and energy..And I am just imagining all the pounds that are dripping off everybody all over the US right now..EEEKS!!! No, I´ll leave that thought...

At least I don´t have to go on a crazy and only consolation, then! Altho the chocolate diet, Meredith, sounds ok..always something to hope for during the dreary day, right??? Hmmm..might just try it. Could work for me!!!!

What a great time you all are going to have..WONDERFUL!!!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 03/26/08 02:28 PM

I volunteer to be the receiver of all photos....uh huh. Sure do. No, don't thank me. It's what I do. Just send all photos to me, or better yet, give me all of your cameras before you leave Vegas.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/07/08 03:45 PM

FRIDAY-----countdown! I don't know about you all, but I'm so excited and can't wait. Anybody want to send me some moola to play for them? Huh? Huh? WHATTTT?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/07/08 05:48 PM

And did you all hear that chick, our prrfessional gambler is going too? Maybe she'll gamble for us!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/07/08 05:56 PM

Oh Dotsie, I can't wait! I am on a 2 week winning streak right now...I hope and pray that it keeps up in Vegas.I am averaging 57.78 per hour.
Chatty, my lapgan didn't make it to the baby. The gal left work. I now use it at the casino for my legs. As you know casinos get cold. Me and my blankey,it's so funny. I shared it with a guy sitting next to me. He was so cold he didn't care about the pink! Too funny!
Watch out Vegas, chick is NOT coming home broke.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/07/08 06:12 PM

chick, mayby it's the lapgan that has brought you luck.

Where will you gamble? I want to see you in action!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/07/08 08:27 PM

WELL, I gotta tell you girls that the BEST places to gamble right now are the Station Casinos, any one of them because just for getting a player card, you get all kinds of good stuff, plus just having your card in play in any machine you have an additional chance at $150,000. picked randomly. Plus if someone wins that while you're playing, you can get an additional $50.00 to $100.00 on your card just for being in play. But to me the best is their set up for Bingo. Its 'red ball' million dollar Bingo with 'NO' splits. But I can explain that all to you when you're here.

Hey Chick, bring your gamblegan with you when you come and I can make it larger, into a lapghan....The babygans are for babys and very small, not for an adult. No charge either.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/08/08 05:45 PM

I know nothing about gambling. Sounds like I have lots to learn. Counting the days!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/13/08 10:04 PM

I was bragging so much about the Boulder Station to eat at that we all piled into mine and Kathys cars and off we went, OFF the strip, which was good for the girls to get to see some more of the real Vegas, not just the strip. The food was okay but I for one was ticked off because it didn't have its usual excellence, at least not to me. I was embarrassed because I have taken many visitors there to dine and they all raved about the food.
I think Boulder Casino had better get back to the quality they are known for or they'll just be another tourist slop hole, as are most of the other casinos. I called and complained today to the Casino manager whom I know personally. He got a good peace of my mind...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 12:08 AM

I just jumped in the forums so I don't know if there are other posts about Vegas yet, but let me tell was great fun. The seven of us picked up like we had been forever friends. No topic was off limits. We laughed, giggled, talked, talked over one another, laughed some more, gambled, walked, danced, and had a grand time. Oh how I wish everyone could have been there. Maybe next time?! More to come. Got to get some things done around the house. Be back in the morning.

Anyone going to share who the big winner was?

chatty,there was absolutely nothing to be embarrasssed about. Looked like we all ate like pigs to me! Did you not see our plates? Also, chick thought they had the loosest slots. Can you tell I've been hanging out with the gamblers?
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 03:27 AM

Thought I'd pop in and see how the Vegas trip was. Sounds like all had a great time and lots of fun. Can't wait to hear more. Glad you jumped on the site and said how it went Dotsie. You know, when women get together we all feel like we've known each other forever, which on this site is exactly as it is.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 01:59 PM

I think we all had a wonderful time. As others have said, it was like meeting up with old friends. Friday night there were six of us for dinner, and we talked and talked. We must have felt even more comfortable Saturday night, because we all laughed till our sides were about to split. Girls, did we ever decide if it was shoe size or hand size?

It was funny, because none of us were drinking, yet the other diners around us must have thought we were, for all the laughing and carrying on we were doing. So much fun!

And yes, I was the lucky winner on Saturday, thanks to Chick's lucky horseshoe. In fact, I'll be changing my screen name to "Dancing Dolphin" in honor of the machine that paid off so generously. No, I'm not a millionaire, but I won enough to pay for my weekend, take all the girls to dinner, and have a little left over to lose on Sunday.

So where are we meeting up next year? Maybe if I start now, I'll really be able to lose weight before we meet again. I'll tell you, I sampled lots of desserts at those buffets!

Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 06:16 PM

Since Kathy mentioned the gambling stuff here, I'll continue in this thread.

Our "Dancing Dolphin" was the big winner, and I'm pretty sure Chickadee came in #2. (And I'm not mentioning anyone else number$, so don't ask!) I think I might be #3.

Normally, I don't gamble. Just no desire to (as JJ said in the Vegas thread) furnish a new casino. Until Saturday afternoon, I had not spent a single penny.

Chatty had one of those credit tickets for just under $5, and she said, "Meredith, just sit down at a machine and play this till you run out." So I picked a machine and asked Chatty what I should do next, since I had no idea whatsoever. She told me what buttons she usually pushed, and I kept pushin' 'em. DING DING DING! Every few turns I kissed the lucky horseshoe Chickadee made for each of us. DING DING DING!

Chick came over, and I'm chirping "I got over $30!" Our resident expert looked at my machine and said, "No, that's CREDITS, and you have $155." On her advice, I cashed out before I lost it all, put $5 back in (just in case the machine was still lucky -- which it wasn't) and called it a day.

That's my story, ladies. Ms. M, Hot-Shot Gambler. And BTW, I asked Chatty if she wanted to split it and she said "No it's yours," so thanks Chatty!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 08:10 PM

Okay ladies, heres the lowdown...I was shocked, and am not exagerating when I tell you ALL that Kathy looks much younger and thinner than she does in her photo here, she is a such a pretty lady.

I would have known our Meredith anywhere with her tremendous smile and her leopard skin matching attire, she's a doll and what a hoot. It was such fun to see her big win.

Oh, and let me tell you, Dotsie also looks at least ten years younger than her picture, she was tan, dressed so cute and she looked like she could have been a college student, I kid you not.
(And remember, I'm the critical one here)

Georgia what can I say? She's as cute as a bug, and I knew her instantly from her photo, and she isn't the fluffy one she says she is either. Her laugh is infectious.

I've never seen a picture of Chick so was looking for her by her outfit they said she had on, she's a tiny one, but she looks like she could give anyone a run for their money, and what a smile.

Then there was Sharon who no one was sure who she was in the forum. Man, what a babe she is!!! Her forum name is Found-Her-Voice-At-Last, and she looks like she belongs in Vogue, very classy!

We went up to the room where JJ & Meredith were staying to have a jewelry show and see some of what Meredith does. I would never buy anything anywhere else than from her, especially if I needed a special gift for someone I love. My Lord her jewelry is so beautiful, she is a genius.

All in all, what a wonderful time we had, and yes Dotsie my plate was cleaned at dinner as well. Maybe I am too much of a perfectionist when it comes to food, being a chef of sorts myself and where my dearest friends are involved, I expect the very best!!!!!

I feel like my feet are still ten feet off the floor, what a wonderful experience. I'm so glad I didn't miss it...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 09:33 PM

Fun, fun , fun. Grinning as I type.

Kathy, you're still misbehaving! HA - hand or shoe?

A college student? What a laugh, riot! Way too funny.

chick placed in a tournament while she was there. Where is she?
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 09:35 PM

cont'd from other post.

Dotsie is absolutely beautiful and charming. She is simply magnetic.You are drawn to her. Her husband and son are both handsome. I enjoyed getting the chance to meet them all.

Kathy is beautiful and her hair is so brush and go natural.I am so jealous. She has a great sense of humor, a little bit of a bad girl attitude(meanth in a nice way) and knows how to gamble....successfully. Thank you again for the meal, Kathy. I am still full.

Chatty is just like I figured she'd be, beautiful and kind...a heart of gold. She knows her food and we had a feast at one of her favourite places. We heard a few of her good stories. Wish we had time for more. Chatty has the longest and prettiest eyelashes I've ever seen on any woman.

Meredith and I clicked like Dororthy's red slippers. What a talented, beautiful lady. She sparkles like her jewelry and her laugh is infectious. I didn't get to see her dance, but I hear she can cut a rug too. Leopard suits her to a tee.

Sharon is model like (yes, I'm jealous again). She is one smart cookie. Brains and beauty and now she knows how to gamble too. What more can a girl ask for. Sharon and I had a great one on one while the girls slept on Sunday.

Georgia is a beautiful redhead with a talent for making you laugh at her every sentence. She has a devil may care attitude and is great company at any slot machine. My cheeks still hurt from laughing. She's the sweetest thang, but how a grown woman can lose a horseshoe.....3 times... is beyond me.

I spent the weekend with a bunch of smart, beautiful loving women who got me. So different and unique in many ways but they got me. We could relate to all of our conversations and it was like having all my sisters in one place at the same time. I am truly blessed!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/14/08 10:05 PM

Young and thin and good "brush and go hair"??? You gals were talking to some other boomer lady, weren't you? Or do you just want a share of my winnings??

I can't begin to match the compliments given here. You all (or as JJ would say, Y'all) were so fun to be around, and I totally enjoyed everyone's company. Chatty, I ate at 3 buffets over the weekend, and yours was the best! Don't be too hard on that manager, unless of course he offers you some free meals...then take 'em!

Ladies, if you get the opportunity to join us at the next girls getaway, go for it. We don't know when and where, but do like Chatty's doing and stash a little cash away every week so you can go. We'd love to meet you!


PS: Georgia, can you change my screen name to Dancing Dolphin?
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 02:35 AM

Done...and I'll just add that every description of the Boomer Babes is accurate and unless you come to the next one, you can't prove otherwise! ha!

Meredith and Chick say I snore, but don't believe it!

I have pictures, but I'll need for everyone to say it is okay to post them BEFORE I do...k?
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 03:55 AM

You didn't get a pic of me and ...???

No, you didn't

Post away!

And I told ya's we were all perfect. The other gals have corroborated my initial statements. Even Jawjaw had the most perfect snore...
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 02:01 PM

Speaking of lost horseshoes (a few posts up...), I thought I had lost mine. In fact, Chick, I think you put some special voodoo magic on them to make them disappear and reappear magically. I lost mine at the casino, and someone (Meredith?) found it for me on the floor. Then on Sunday I couldn't find it again. I went through all my pockets and figured, oh well, I guess it's gone.

I got home and did all my laundry yesterday. I again went through all my pockets before washing my jeans, and still no horseshoe. Then when I went to pull my pants out of the dryer, there it was! The horseshoe was sitting on the rim of the dryer door when I opened it!

Now girls, these horseshoes chick made are tiny - maybe an inch to an inch and a half big - so this is amazing to me. Like I said, special voodoo magic!

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 03:39 PM

And I have your permission to post pic's? Girls, let me know so I can show the world what a great looking bunch of gal you all are!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 04:14 PM

Pics? Hmmm, I'm only aware of one pic that I was in when we had lunch at Margaritaville. If you have others, I wonder what I was doing? Oh well, post away. Just know that I am VERY UN-photogenic.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 05:26 PM

I don't think that one even came thru Kathy...
Posted by: jabber

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 06:04 PM

How I loved reading about your trip to Vegas! Sounds like you gals had a ball; and I'm so happy that you did. Everybody sounds just like I've pictured them: lovely, sweet, kind and funny! Kudos....
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 06:29 PM

I doubt I was in any photo, I am pretty good at dodging the camera and didn't see anyone with one anyway, so post away.
I am feeling back to my old self finally, and got a clean bill of health this morning from the doctor. Will I ever do that again, ABSOLUTELY NOT! And shame on me for this time... Hey where are Dancer and Edelweiss???
Posted by: humlan

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 06:36 PM

Great reading this thread..

I wonder where Edelweiss and Dancer are too!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 06:40 PM

I haven't heard from dancer, but Edelweiss has been having trouble accessing the forums. I with the software guru yesterday and he was going to get cracking on it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/15/08 06:43 PM

Oh BUMMER, I bet Dancer is having trouble as well, as are other missing members. I'm sure they'll get it fixed ASAP.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/16/08 05:28 PM

Please email any of the gals you haven't seen back. Thanks.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/17/08 08:46 PM

Dotsie you asked in your email if it felt strange or surreal about our having all just been together. It's weird but it does seem like a dream, not a reality. We planned and talked about it for so long and the time we spent together was so short, it's as if it all never really happened. I wish I'd had been more on my game and brought my camera. Did anyone take any pictures? I don't remember seeing a camera on anyone. If not, shame on us!!!!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/17/08 09:36 PM

Jawjaw took millions of pictures, at least. I hope my eyes are open in a few of them!

The weekend was definitely real for me! However, since it was the 2nd time in 2 weeks I was out of town, my home schedule is still unreal. I should be adjusting back to the usual grind any minute now...
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/17/08 10:33 PM

Chatty, I brought my camera but kept leaving it in the room or the car. I didn't get a single pic!

I think the next trip should be for 3 nights. It's too short to do just 2 nights when you have to travel so far. And if people can only come for a day or two, that's fine as well.

Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/18/08 01:04 AM

Kathy, was it a quarter machine or a nickel one?
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/18/08 01:29 AM

Chatty, you wrote: "We went up to the room where JJ & Meredith were staying to have a jewelry show and see some of what Meredith does. I would never buy anything anywhere else than from her, especially if I needed a special gift for someone I love." You love me, don't ya gal? Bring it on! Thanks
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/18/08 05:03 AM

Sounds great to me! Thanks Chatty for that wonderful testimonial.

(Little wheels are working now, albeit creaking a bit...) I could have a GIFT REGISTRY -- y'know, you gals could all pick your favorite jewels and if anyone needs a birthday or other present for someone here, I'd be able to say "she really loves those earrings..." LOL
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/18/08 05:29 AM


Kathy, was it a quarter machine or a nickel one?

Pennies! A $2 bet won the Progressive - it was fun.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/18/08 10:17 AM

Pennies from Heaven! Winning is always fun!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/18/08 08:31 PM

What a great idea Meredith...creaking or not, LOL!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/19/08 08:00 PM

meredith, I'll be on the look out for more Christmas jewelry this year. My nieces and friends like your work.

Dancing, three nights works for me too. That's a great idea.

How about the harbor area in downtown Baltimore? The only problem is we don't have gambling in MD.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/19/08 08:38 PM

Who cares??? This is a get together for each and every one of us women, not a 'junket' just to gamble right? I don't care if I ever gamble. I would have been thrilled to entertain you all in my home, tennis court, pool, jacuzzi, etc. I suggested it early on and wanted to take you to Ethel M's Chocolate factory, lake Mead for a 1 hour paddle boat luncheon and maybe a tour of Vegas. I would have gotten a touring car for us for that time. We did get a little bit of touring around Vegas. To me thats a real get together, getting to know one another up close and personal. But whatever everyone wants, I'm in! God willing and the creek don't rise, LOL!!!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/19/08 09:10 PM

Chocolate??!! Chatty, I LOVE chocolate - is Ethel M's really good?

Hey regarding gambling, as much as I love it, I felt a little guilty that I spent so much time at the slots. I think it would be nice to spend some time where there is no gambling, so I could spend more time with the girls and get to know them better.

Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Boomer Babes... - 04/19/08 11:45 PM

Every locale has its own personality and attractions. Vegas is about casinos, as well as shows and glitter. If you come to SoCali, we're about beaches and Hollywood and food and scenery -- but definitely NOT gambling. So wherever we go, we should try and get the flavor of that particular location.

And of course -- our main reason for going anywhere is to see each other! The scenery is just a backdrop
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 01:57 PM

Ladies, although tardy with my post, here are some pictures of the lovely ones...

Meredith, Sharon, Dotsie

Dotsie, Meredith, Sharon, - shaking a leg
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 01:58 PM

Yours truly, Mr. Dotsie (Ross), Dotsie, Chick, Meredith, and Sharon...some unknown man is standing behind Chick.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 02:00 PM

Chick and the Divine Ms. M - happy people!

Lunch at Jimmy Buffet's place. This guy was on stilts. So cool!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 02:02 PM

Dots, Chatty, and Sharon...where shall we eat? Kathy is hiding on the other side of Sharon

Chick and Meredith - still happy.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 02:02 PM

Kathy's back (how did she manage to do that?) Dots and Chatty.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 02:05 PM

There are four or five pictures missing off of my camera and I don't have a clue how that happened...but since the camera is held together with duct tape, I suppose anything can happen. Hope you enjoyed what there was, though!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 02:18 PM

Yeah, glad to finally see the photos. Brings back fun memories. Thanks for posting.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 02:22 PM

Great photos, JJ! All look so happy, happy, happy and having a marvellous time. Love it! Are you sure Chick is older than 19? Has anyone checked her ID?
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 02:52 PM

I know...isn't she a doll? Now you know why that guy was standing behind her. Then again, all of the babes were ah...babes. And talk about a fun bunch. Hey, maybe that is what they should be called? THE FUN BUNCH. I mean, after all, there was the Rat why not?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 03:19 PM

Bwaah-haaa-haaa - not a single shot of my face! My beauty will remain a mystery! Anyone want lessons on how to avoid the camera?

Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 04:15 PM

Lol Kathy! All the more reason to meet you all in person! I really truly hope I can make the next meeting on the East Coast next year! You all look so happy, and as if you were all long time friends. Just the way it should be! Thanks for posting these JJ, it was so fun to see.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 05:20 PM

Ahhhhh...Kathy....ahhh, they can see your face hun...HERE. You have it on the board here. Hello? And listen, she looks just like that...I mean it. Ain't she a beaut? Personality to go with the beautiful smile, as well. Kathy made it her mission to chauffer me around and take care of me. Lord knows somebody needed to. Thank you Kathy! When I got home and got in the car to go to town, I looked around for you. Then I realized I had to drive myself. Bummer!

And talk about personality, Chatty has it. She was just downright adorable. But you knew I was gonna say that, didn't you? Chatty made sure we knew the ropes and took us to the best place to eat. I can't remember when I enjoyed sitting next to someone so kind and gentle!!!! She is a great conversationalist, and I count myself very lucky to know her.

Sharon had men following her all over the place because she is simply a knock out. Dang her time! I'm so jealous. One can only hope that she will learn that if I gotta age, she's gotta age. Honey, if you're out there, have some Oreo's...k? Sharon was soooooooooooo fun! If she doesn't come next year, we need to all pile up on a bus and go to her house. I don't want a girl's get-together without her.

Meredith is down-to-earth, cares deeply about ALL OF YOU, and I mean that so sincerely. If I had her heart, I would be a much nicer person. She was so cute in her leopard outfit and struttin' her stuff. Nobody can wear a headpiece like the Divine Ms M. I if she would only have left the air on the room...cough...cough...Meredith, Dotsie and Sharon got up and danced with wild abandonment. I remember thinking, "Now THAT's what life is about!" Way to go Ms. make life look good!

Chick...I can guarantee you all right now that chick needs to be, and should be, our mascot. She is the cutest thing you'll ever lay your eyes on, loves everybody, and makes you feel so happy to be her friend. Now get this...she is smart as a whip too. I ask ya, is that fair? For one person to have it all? She is suppose to move (someday) to a neighboring state very close to me. I have my fingers crossed! Lord help Mr. Chick when that happens. They might as well build a JJ room.

Dotsie - now here is someone that is like the hostess with the mostess...she wants to make sure that everyone has a good time, and will go to great lengths to make sure that happens. She spreads joy wherever she goes. This includes talking to waiters, waitresses, people playing on machines, THE BAND, doesn't matter. She has terminal JOY and is spreading this disease through out the land. Watch out because if you get near her, you're liable to catch it.

Oh..and one more thing. If she tells you that a restaurant is just a block or two away, ..............she lies. What she means is that it is a CITY block or two away (translated means miles). So joy-giver, yes...but distance-giver, not on your life. I still have blisters on my feet.

And then of course there was me. What's not to love, am I right?

We missed the rest of you, but listen, you'll get another chance next year. Save your pennies!
Posted by: humlan

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 05:33 PM

JJ..thanks for the fotos!!! I had so much fun seeing you all almost LIVE!!!! Now that sounded good..but I don´t know how to say it in another way You are all of course..VERY MUCH ALIVE and LOVIN´EVERY MINUTE. Even I can´t miss that..with my eye operation and everything! You really had a good time..all of you! You all look so happy and laughing all the time. Thanks so much for sharing. I gotta make one of these meets..and then do the Kathy thing!!! You are GOOD, Kathy!!! Still..would have loved to see you,too!!!

I am smiling and laughing all the way with you guys!!!
Posted by: Lola

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 08:23 PM

But...but...but...apart from her avatar Kathy posted a photo of hers and the Divine Ms M when they met last year? Remember? Remember? Don't you remember the smiles and the lobster hat?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/12/08 09:08 PM

Ahh, the lobster hat. Yes, the divine Ms. M looks wonderful in any kind of head-dress!! I pretty much look the same now as I did then, albeit a tad fluffier...
Posted by: jabber

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/13/08 12:57 PM

That was fun. I really loved seeing you gals! It brightened my day, to view boomers enjoying life. It's so cooooooooolllllll! I'm sitting here smiling into the PC.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/13/08 04:35 PM

Lola gets the memory prize, and JJ can write bios for all of us. Lordy, you're kind!

Just wondering if the gals across the pond could make an east coast trip... If so, we're looking at March. Does that work for any of you? We should accomodate you gals since you have so far to come. Speak up so we can get planning.

I have a friend at church who leaves Sunday for two weeks. She's going to Italy with FOURTEEN of her college buds whom she's known since 1963. Can you even imagine?

So if they can do it, so can we!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/13/08 05:48 PM

The pictures are wonderful! And now we're preserved, on digital print, for posterity!! Celebration! Where's my lobster hat when I need it?

Kathy lied however -- she did not gain a single ounce since I last saw her. So there! And Jawjaw's biographies prove what she left out about herself -- someone who always looks for the best in everyone.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/13/08 06:00 PM

March? I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope to make the trip. Someone promise me a corn dog.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 12:23 AM

Corn Dogs - - Guaranteed for Lola at the next Boomer Babes retreat. As many as she wants.... Lola, you want mustard or ketchup with that?

(Can y'all tell I worked at Burger King 32 years ago?)

Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 12:32 PM

Dotsie, I hope you are open to suggestins as to when the next meeting should be. March is not a good month for me since we would want to combine it with visiting my brother in Massachusetts. Middle to end of September 2009 would be ideal for my time schedule. What a generous offer to pay for the overnight. But that’s okay,I wouldn't want you to dish out these expenses. But thank you for the offer anyway, my friend.

I would combine the meeting with you gals with a visit at my brother’s place. Hey? Should I bring him along? He’s a 55 yr. old computer engineer, has his own company is tall, slender, single, sweet and very funny. Actually he has a girlfriend right now,…but who knows. Jeez. I sound like I’m selling him. Haha…sales is in my blood.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 12:36 PM

Eeeek! September is usually a big book festival month for most writers. I doubt I could do September. Sniff...sniff.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 01:54 PM

Postitively great photos "Fun Bunch"! Looks like you had a grand time in Vegas. So happy you shared them with us who didn't get to attend.

It's lovely seeing all of you happy and sharing your love with each other.
Posted by: gims

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 02:24 PM

Loved the pics - and the bios, JJ. Thanks for taking them and sharing.
March is just next month, right? Anyone started their Christmas shopping yet?
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 02:45 PM

I understand JJ. September is book month in Germany too.
Are you kidding!

No way I'll fly over to the good old USA
and miss meeting JJ!

Jeez...hand me over my oxygen mask.

How about October or the beginning of June? Am I planning this too far ahead? Probably. But I'm just reacting to Dotsie's post. Whatever....we have time till then...and gims, no ... I am not doing any Xmas shopping yet.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 03:00 PM

I'm going out on a limb here, and Dotsie can surely give more insight into this than MOI, but the fall is a busy time for writers, at least it has been for me. What about some of you other writers??? August-Sept-Oct...even in to the holidays. I'm thinking Dotsie picked March because it is a month where most "events" are not scheduled. Almost like a "free" month, if you will. June, July are usually months where families takes vacation together. Usually.

I promise you I am not trying to be a royal pain, but just trying to shed some light on the date.


If so, it could possibly work out to where it wouldn't matter. From what do I know?

Posted by: Lola

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 07:00 PM

Ack! Just checked my calendar and March would be the Lenten season. The summer months will be a tight schedule for me as well. Seems to be October as proposed by EW would be ideal for me. The weather won't be too hot nor too cold. The additional bonus would be cheaper air fares as well as it won't be a peak period for travel from Europe. Just my 2 cents.

Unless, you guys want to come to London instead? If you do, I PROMISE to treat you to a reading/soiree at the Charles Dickens House. PROMISE.

P.S. Kathy, I'll have a stripe of each on either side.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 07:35 PM

I'm open on the dates. The only thing happening for me next year (that I know of now!) is my son's graduation from high school. That will probably take place the first week in June.

Also, my other son is supposed to deploy to Afghanistan, so if he does we'll probably go visit him before he leaves. Not sure about that schedule.

I'll do my best to make whatever dates you choose. I'm sure there will be some that it just won't work out for, but then maybe the next year can be scheduled to accomodate them more than the others that just attended.

Dotsie, I don't envy you the job of choosing a date...

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/14/08 08:05 PM

I am open to any month, however October does sound like it might be the best time for the most women, I guess we'll see!! Just promise me NO one will take my picture again, yuk, phooey!!!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/15/08 05:28 AM

Chatty, we love you just the way you are!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/15/08 11:08 AM

Oh I love October, a favorite month of mine. I'll shoot for whatever we decide....I'm soooo looking forward to it! (It would also give me an extra six months to save my pennies!)
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/15/08 07:11 PM

I love the group hug thing, Ms also looks like us boomer babes getting in a huddle to figure out the dates. I'm with everyone else...whatever we decide, I shall do my best to be there.

And Chatty, when I see your picture and think about how much I enjoyed your company, I see beauty. THAT is what I see.
Posted by: gims

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/15/08 07:29 PM

I would so like to be involved next year, and given enough time, I could probably make it workable. What is the best season on the east coast? I've only been to NYC and Wilmington in that part of the country. What part of the east coast are you thinking about, dots? Will there be a travel advisory involved - as in someone who could create a package for the group - something really special? I've always wanted to go to Novia Scotia (on my to-do-before-I-die list), and I could possible work that in with travel plans to the group meeting. Of course, anything can happen between then and now... I've got to get off of the 'worry' side of this. Can you give us an idea of where, before when...?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/15/08 08:09 PM

It was stated we would be meeting in Maryland/Virginia area and much conversation transpired in an earlier post about the scrumptous foods we would be eating there...
Posted by: gims

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/15/08 09:13 PM

I must have missed that scrumptous foods post...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/16/08 08:02 AM

Okay, it looks like October, 2008, or March, 2009. I can do either, but am wondering if October is too soon for those who just went to Vegas...

If we do it in March, in Baltimore, could our gals from over the pond come?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/16/08 06:58 PM

I think October is too soon for me. I didn't realize how soon that was...less thaqn 5 months. March 2009 is better for my pocketbook but then thats just me.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/16/08 07:23 PM

I thought it was October I thought since we had already done the girl's thing for THIS year, that this was in the planning stages for NEXT year. Am I being blonde again? (PLEASE...NO HATE MAIL over the blonde thing. I'm a strawberry blonde myself!)
Posted by: Lola

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/16/08 08:03 PM

I had also taken it to be a forthcoming event for 2009... for the same reason as JJ's.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/16/08 08:04 PM

March would be cool! Where?
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/16/08 08:09 PM thinks this year would be too soon....I also thought we were tossing around March or October 2009?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/17/08 08:51 PM

Okay, now if its 2009 in October or March that would be do-able for me then too.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/18/08 09:46 PM

I'm thinking March in Baltimore or Boston. Anyone up for Boston?
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 01:06 AM

I can do Boston. Boston hotels are very expensive though.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 01:42 AM

I've heard there is one place you don't want to drive and that's Boston. Course, I wouldn't be driving anyway, so it makes no difference to meeeee! Now, you're talking March 2009, right?
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 01:56 AM

EW, please tell me more about your brother! Who knows, at this rate, I might be divorced by March or September. March and April are the snowiest months in Colorado. We had snow on May 1 this year. March is definitly hard to make plans due to weather. I like Baltimore better than Boston, which is so hard to navigate the traffic. Also, Baltimore would have better warmer weather in March, wouldn't it? Let's just get Oprah to sponsor our trip to Cancun!
Posted by: gims

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 04:01 AM

ewwww Boston sounds good...
How about renting a VBO like my daughter and her family does? I looked under Boston and Baltimore, and found some that sleep 10-12 and 8-10, respectively. A weekend for the 10-12 for Boston is around $1000, if I read it correctly. Find it on this page #25470:
And, a link to Baltimore's offerings:
This one in particular sleeps 14:
Just a thought.
Or do you prefer hoteling it?
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 04:33 AM

Boston? Hey, my home town!

I think Louisa can confirm that in March the Boston area can get real strong snowfalls. So because of that, I would prefer coming in October, since we could do more things with my brother after I meet with my Boomer friends. And, as Ladyjane once said, October 2009 gives me an additional half a year to save for the trip as well.

Princess Lenora, it’s that serious with you and your Hubby? I know you’ve been struggling for quite awhile. You better believe I’ll introduce you to my brother, if he’s “free”. He seems pretty happy right now, though. But you never know.

Gims, that’s not a bad idea renting a VBO. It might come cheaper for all of us, and that will def. be like a big pajama party!!! Anybody else snore?
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 09:11 AM

Boston would be a dream come true for me! And, if we were smart we'd shoot for October, a better travel month and maybe even some nice New England foliage about mid month. Also, we could stay in the outskirts of Boston but close enough to travel in and out. I'm a bit partial but we could have an awesome time in this the New England states. Why do we have to hang out out directly in large cities?
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 01:16 PM

In fact, wayyyyy down the ride, after we've traveled here and there in the U.S. for our weekends, I'd suggest a nice New Hampshire Inn at peak foliage near the mountains. There's still ample shopping spots and things to could be a wonderful weekend. Louisa has often mentioned North Conway as she and her hubby visit there a lot. SO have we. You have it all...inns, loads of shopping, mountains and so many fun spots....everything all in one!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 07:15 PM

What happened to Maryland/Virginia. Boy Dotsie I wouldn't want this job, geesh, everyone has her own ideas of when and where!!!!
Suggestion: Maybe 'you' need to pick several destinations and dates etc. to pick from, then give each one 'WHO IS COMING' a vote. They will vote for one or the other place and month. Voting good for say 6 months from the time we begin...Whatever time and place gets the most votes wins, and hopefully it will work for the majority of us. Otherwise you're going to go bonkers...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 10:11 PM

Okay, I've gotten soem feedback. I'm going to make a decision with Georgia by the end of this month. We'll pick a time and place and a date and put it out there.

The only thing about renting one place is what if more people come than can stay there?
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 10:11 PM

I think it might help also to look consider the time of year and what it cost to travel at that time and to each place. For instance, flying is different at different times. Staying outside of Boston would be cheaper, but not sure where. The outskirts aren't cheap either and it isn't that easy to get in and out. Jane is right about New England. NH is great in October but you have to plan that ahead because it's foliage season. There's also Ogunquit and Kennebunkport.

I have enough trouble right now trying to figure out where I'm going to have my next writers group meeting, never mind something this large scale.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/19/08 10:24 PM

I would want someplace that's easy to fly into...and easy to get to from the airport (preferably a direct hotel shuttle for someone who doesn't know the area and might be flying in at night).

NH sounds beautiful, but, for example, how do you get from the nearest airport (and where is the nearest airport?) to North Conway? It would be an added expense to have to take a commercial bus, and possible inconvenience in terms of ensuring connection times and places.

As long as I can fly into a place and not have to worry about too many difficult connections to get to the final destination, I'll be happy going just about anywhere...especially knowing that there are friendly faces waiting at the end of the line!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 01:05 AM

that could be a problem, Eagle. There is an airport in Manchester, NH, but it's not that near North Conway and I don't know if flights from Canada fly into that airport. Your best bet is Logan in Boston. there's a hotel there that is so gorgeous, but costs a fortune. It overlooks Boston Harbor.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 01:12 AM

I can get a direct flight from Ottawa to most major cities - including Baltimore, Boston, Washington...not sure about Manchester. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be concerned about transfers/connections from the airport to the hotel/gathering place. It's just another consideration when making the decision on where to meet.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 05:17 AM

But can you fly into Alabama?
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 09:36 AM

I probably wouldn't be going because I won't travel alone anyway. Boston, I wouldn't have to. That is why I considered it. Won't go there alone either. [Lavender] would have to bring me in. but there are plenty of things to do.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 09:37 AM

Why does it say that in my post? The "L" word!!!! JJ, that happened before when I was trying to post so I didn't. I didn't see this until too late.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 10:09 AM

That's odd, Louisa. The "L" word also appeared in Gims' post in the Laughter thread. I took it as part and parcel of her post and did'nt think much of it until it came up in yours.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 11:34 AM

I think it appears if it catches a swear word. When I wanted to write in rooster, suddenly the L word appeared instead of [Lavender](c-o-c-k). See?

I think Dotsie's site has a cooky that is in our computers, that filters these words. Check under your temporary data...and you will find the word Lavender.
Posted by: gims

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 07:54 PM

thanks for explaining, EW... but, how do you check 'temporary data?'

You all could come to Texas. We could do a dude ranch.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 08:12 PM

Remember when we were having so many SPAMMERS? And they were using naughty words? Well, to irritate them, I took their dirty words and told the database to recognize them and whenever they used them, insert the word Lavender....

As a result, they STOPPED coming here because who would be interested in seeing girls lavender? hahahaha....

Sorry if that stops some of your fun, but it was keep letting them post the dirty words and phrases, or LAVENDER...
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 10:00 PM

I knew about the Lavendar thing which is why I couldn't figure it out. I was only talking about flowers. So I didn't post it after I saw that. Now I was wondering what I could possibly have said in this post to make that come up. I just realized it was when I said my husband would have to bring me to Boston. Guess I'll have to call him Richard. I just wrote the "D" name and got lavendar again.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/20/08 10:53 PM

That is one way to skin a spammer JJ, great idea...
Posted by: gims

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/21/08 06:08 PM

ditto, chatty
Posted by: AmyDoodle

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/29/08 12:31 AM

Leave it up to JawJaw to think of that. How clever!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/29/08 03:11 AM

Hi there Amy, haven't seen you in awhile. So glad you're back with us, you were missed...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/29/08 09:00 AM

Louisa, that's the will pick up anything at all, thus even names! Anyway.....
Dotsie, before I forget this I found out where my hubby lived in Baltimore (finally remembered to ask!) You had asked me earlier. He lived in Pasadena, just outside of Glenburney..???? It was in his "old" life and during the 70's. His first wife was from Maryland. They settled there until they decided to start a family. That's when they moved to Maine. They also owned a beautiful spot in Ocean City where they vacationed.....until she destroyed that dream in 2000.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer Babes... - 05/29/08 11:03 AM

LJ, thanks. That's a bit of a ways from Baltimore, but I know where it is.

Ocean City is the hot spot beach where everyone vacations in the summer. It's about three hours away. In fact, I have a niece living there and working this summer. Too bad he still doesn't have that place at the beach. It might be worth a fortune.