Why aren't you taking supplements?

Posted by: lindasusan

Why aren't you taking supplements? - 10/28/09 11:56 PM

Ladies, As we go through our menopausal years, there is a need to be certain our bodies are being supported. In fact, all of our lives, there is that need. I'm hoping most are taking their supplements and if not start to. I have mentioned that I take Vivix in another reply I wrote; I personally love it. In addition, I take a multiple, calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. It makes a difference in me. Also, be sure you get your exercise. smile
Posted by: orchid

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 10/29/09 05:03 AM

Each woman is different, meaning boomer women and older. Even within our own age range group here.

I absolutely would not need to take more Vitamin D..I am outdoors, cycling or walking a minimum of half hr. in bad weather but more the norm of 1-2 hrs. daily of cycling. On weekends, it jacks up to 3 hrs. per day of cycling. I eat alot of fruit. It is possible I might need more calcium and iron. But for now, my doctor has told me to get off the iron supplements now that my iron levels are normal.

There is a whole group of women not represented in BMWS, who take very good care of themselves diet-wise and are highly physically active. smile
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 10/29/09 11:49 AM

lindasusan, I've heard that when taking Vitamin D, there's another vitamin you should take so it absorbs. Is that C?

And yes, if you spend lots of time outdoors, you don't need D.

I take E because I have fibrous cycstic breasts and it helps tremendously for me. Again, this may be an individual thing. After last mamogram and sonogram, I was told I need to go back in six months for another check. You better beleive I'm taking my E for these six months!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 10/30/09 08:07 AM

That's interesting, Dotsie.
I've just started taking vitamin B6 and 12, because that is supposed to help prevent shingles,...especially if you could get contaminated. My Mom, got another fresh bout of shingles, on the same arm! The doctor said he has never had such a case before. She is going through the whole damn thing again!
Chatty, I asked the doc about ZOSTAVAX. He said it's contained in the cream she gets. He was impressed that I asked. I told him my friend from Las Vegas recommended it. He laughed and said, "Patients used to say my neighbour recommended it. Now it's world-wide."
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 10/30/09 09:39 AM

I consulted the naturopath yesterday and asked about avoiding more shingles/herpes simples since I had the recent trigeminal attack.I have his brand of Anduvite..one a day before food.In addition a new manuka/bee pollen aloe vera suppliment.
what my doctor has said is that should any herpes start near my nose I immediatly telephone for a prescription for the tablets...They cost £100 per course and he cannot give these until an attack is present..must be taken within a time frame..so fingers crossed this is not on a Sunday..

so self help to prevent may be my best bet..
I am sorry your Mother had more problems..
Posted by: lindasusan

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 10/30/09 04:25 PM

Hi Dotsie, I believe it's calcium that Vitamin D helps absorb, and again, I take Vitamin D3; you need to be sure about the differences. Also, Dotsie, I have heard that cycstic brests could be due to a lack of potasium, I would look into that as well. Have a great day!
Posted by: hotflashgal

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 11/01/09 03:01 AM

Dotsie...how much E do you take? Does anyone have a recommendation for a good multi vitamin. I hate taking pills of any sort, so if there is one that is effective, that would be great. Plus, vitamins tend to really upset my stomach no matter what time of day I take them.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 11/01/09 02:58 PM

I have 400 IUs and take two a day. I swear by E for help with the cysts.

I'd also like a good multi recommendation.
Posted by: lindasusan

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 03/07/10 03:08 AM

I see such a difference in myself when I do not take my supplements. I do not eat healthy all of the time; that together with my busy schedule probably can deplete the good I do eat. I'm in favor of supplements; I don't know if everyone can say the same. I know many people who do not take them....but even then, I wonder if they would be feeling a whole lot better if they did.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Why aren't you taking supplements? - 03/07/10 11:29 AM

lindasusan, what supplements do you take? I'd love to know.