Seeking Barren Women survey participants

Posted by: Di

Seeking Barren Women survey participants - 04/02/09 07:51 PM

If you, or anyone you know, are barren, a member on our CNBC website is doing a survey for a college class.

Please PM me if you are interested and I will send the link to the survey.
"Barren" is defined as the following:

Women who are barren are unable to give
birth to children of their own due to explained and unexplained infertility.
Explained infertility can be defined as, but not limited to, medically proven
barriers to conception such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis,
and hysterectomy. Unexplained infertility is self explanatory; menstrual cycles
are regular, and there are no obstructions in the fallopian tubes or womb, nor
is there a reported problem with egg formation. My apologies but I cannot accept a barren woman who has adopted a child.

This aids in our continuing effort to educate.

Thank you!

Posted by: Di

Re: Seeking Barren Women survey participants - 04/03/09 02:54 PM

thanks to everyone who read this. My friend only needed 50 replies and got 47 w/in 2 hours! Amazing!

Our on-going effort to campaign/educate that childLESSness is an authentic loss is paying off. So many grieve.

I recall many years ago meeting a women who, in her late 80's had "put off" having children to travel the world. When I met her she said "I've buried 4 husbands and now my house is empty. I'm saddened to have had no children". (exact quote paraphrased)