fianlly an article that promotes cheating in diets

Posted by: Dotsie

fianlly an article that promotes cheating in diets - 10/14/03 07:48 AM

I recently read an article in Prevention magazine that tells you to go ahead and eat the whole thing! [Big Grin]

This theory is all about eating sensibly and going about it in different ways:

Eat well during the week and splurge on the weekend.

Think ahead and figure in your treats. IF you know you are going to have a dessert when you go out to dinner...only eat a half sandwich at lunch.

IF you must eat fast food, pick smaller portions and get the chicken instead of beef.

Make sure something is really worth it if you are going to splurge!

Take a longer walk if you know you might be overeating at a meal that day.

Pick days during the week and eat less and only what is necessary.

Don't starve yourself because later you eat everything in sight.

Control portions and don't eat seconds.

Anyway ladies I liked this article because it made sense to me. I don't know how people diet, starve themselves, or eat only very specific food. I like the idea of sensible eating and exercising...I walk almost every day, but hmmm, the sensible eating needs another good look!

What (if anything) are you doing to battle the bulge? [Eek!]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: fianlly an article that promotes cheating in diets - 10/13/03 08:58 PM

Cheat is also a 4-letter word. I think you have to take into account WHAT you are eating. Just because you eat a half a sandwich, doesn't mean you can eat a bag of Oreo's...which of course, would be MY first choice! hahaha...

Common sense is the key. USE YOUR HEAD...we ALL know if we are overeating or indulging when we shouldn't. We just choose to stuff those knowing feelings in the recesses of our mind at the time. Yes, guilty....

All this sage advice is coming from a short, fluffy's like I have said before...what do I know???? Even if I am a Queen.... [Wink]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: fianlly an article that promotes cheating in diets - 10/14/03 04:25 PM

Okay queen, you've mentioned those Oreo's one too many times in here. I salivate every time you talk about them. [Big Grin] I want the many Oreo's have you had in the last week, and how many do you eat in a sitting? [Razz]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: fianlly an article that promotes cheating in diets - 10/14/03 11:13 PM

You want the truth? I only eat them in my has been over a month now since my last Oreo' support group has helped me thru the Oreloless nights, and my estrangement.

My grocery man jumped on the bandwagon by removing the display from sight whenever I enter the Piggly far, so good.

But YOU! You just had to come along and bring them up now didn't you?

No matter...the real truth is I have a buyer and if I go to the corner of Graham and Cracker, there is always someone pushing them.

I know...I's a sickness but I have honestly tried to quit. Scouts Honor! (Nix on the scout thing...I got kicked out for talking too much) But life goes on and...and...hey! There's Bob and he has a handful of....O....R...E...O...'...S....Bob! Wait up...Bob! It's me, you buddy! Bob...Bob...