Boomer snowboarding relatives

Posted by: orchid

Boomer snowboarding relatives - 09/13/08 11:40 PM

..not mine, his relatives from germany who just visited us earlier this wk. She's 52 and he's 58. They took up snowboarding a few years ago. She said he was the oldest student in the snowboarding course. I even saw a little video clip of him snowboarding along a gentle slope but high up in the Alps.

Now..that is 1 sport I just couldn't pick up now.

By the way, she (his cousin) is a changed women from 15 yrs. ago that I saw. For last 6 years, she's been doing strength training and working out at the local gym. She looks more buff. He also has taken up cycling several times a wk. after work for past few years. They do their thing separately on their own but look..happy and active.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Boomer snowboarding relatives - 09/13/08 11:44 PM

Cool. I have skis, but haven't used them for about 3 years. Need to be able to fit into my ski pants first!

I was watching Tyra Banks yesterday and she had a woman on there and everyone was trying to guess her age. She was a black lady, and you could tell from her hair and her face that she was older, but her body was slim and firm - not an ounce of fat, but not over muscled either. I guessed her to be mid-60s; she was actually 87.

Weight training is the answer, with some cardio thrown in.

Back to snowboarding/skiing - - the older I get, the harder it is to get up if I fall down on the slopes. I guess that would take working my core muscles so I can have the strength to do it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Boomer snowboarding relatives - 09/14/08 12:04 AM

A friend here has two sets of Aunts and Uncles that come from back east to visit. They are the same ages give or take a year and one couple comes and takes cabs everywhere and just lays around the pool. The other pair walk everywhere and play tennis etc. The first set has become flabby and sickly over time while the other two active ones are in great shape and quite healthy. Theres a saying I believe: