Hello all. I've been away for awhile, haven't had time to post or read. I'll try to do MUCH better in the future!

I loved the post about the book "Solo Bliss" and plan to buy it.

I'm planning to take a week's vacation sometime in the next month or so, just to get away and spend some time alone, to try and really sort out what I want to do with the next years of my life.

To that end, do any of you have other similar books that you'd recommend? I'm really in the frame of mind to do some serious soul searching and life planning right now, so any ideas would be appreciated.

I just finished "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom (the same author who wrote "Tuesdays with Morrie.") Very good book with a thought-provoking message. I finished it in just a few hours.

Many thanks for any suggestions!
