We have something NEW here at BWS. We are looking into products for baby boomers that will enhance our lives in some shape, form, or fashion. We've decided to test certain products that we find and give you all the heads up on what WORKS and what DOESN'T.

Recently, Florence Halstead,, was kind enough to send me two EZ Book Clips to try. Her web page is and she is a dear! Also, if I'm not mistaken, she is a new member here. Florence? Yuhoooo! Pop in and tell the girls all about yourself, won't you?

When I received her EZ Book Clips in the mail, I immediately ran back to the office (where my books are located) and began testing it. I pulled large books, small ones, and had a great time trying out the product.

Here are some of my thoughts on the EZ Book Clip (which I've sent to Florence already)

1. There were two clips enclosed. One seemed to have a heavier coating (green) than the other (gold). I liked the "green" clip much better than the gold. The ends of the green clip were not as rough and didn't feel like a threat to the books as it was going in. (see her web site for viewing of the clip and how it works) I felt the ends of the gold one I have was too rough on the pages when inserting, but the green wasn't.

2. The green is still my favorite as far as holding the pages. Hands down. (no pun intended). It held the pages open better and took less "massaging" to get it in the right position for me. The green one is bigger (wider) than the gold. The gold seems to be a mini version of the green one. However, the smaller one (gold) might work better on smaller books? Just a thought.

3. While I think the concept of ALL is fantastic, I found that I soon tired of pulling it up and down as I turned pages. So I quickly realized that this clip would have to serve one purpose for ME, and that would be to free my hands for other things. Of course this is the whole idea behind it anyway!

Reading for me is a pleasure and something that I set aside time to do, just for my hands do not need to be free...however, when I cook that's a different story. THIS PRODUCT IS IDEAL FOR COOKS EVERYWHERE. IDEAL! I have used mine already and found it to be invaluable. I need my hands free to dash here and there for ingredients, get that ladle I forgot or slotted spoon that is always located just out of my reach, or to dial the phone and call Mom and say, "Didn't you revise this recipe?" I can cook, wipe up messes, and talk all while my book sits comfortably and OPEN right where I want it, on my current recipe.

4. I would not hesitate to buy this product for the use explained in #3, but also don't discount using it for when you're on a treadmill, or playing music and the fact that it would slip easily into ANY handbag/purse for carrying on trips and vacations. What a unique Christmas gift, welcome to the neighborhood gift, Mother's Day, Father's Day...heck, come to think of it, is there ANY time this gift wouldn't be suitable? .........


Ladies - if you have books or products that need an extra something (inexpensive but quality) to include as a freebee when someone buys your product, then I would suggest stocking up on this EZ Book Clip. I intend to.

Another feature of the clip is that you can have your very own logo put on the clips! Is that cool or what? Pure genius if you ask me. Love it Florence! I'm investigating the price of doing this now, and will let you know if I think it is feasible.

I'll use it for give-a-ways at book signings, speeches I give where I sell my own books, and it I think it will be a fantastic marketing tool.

Well, that's it for the EZ Book Clip and my review.

If you know of any other products you would want us to try and report on, just drop me a line at and we'll see what we can do! We can't promise that your product will be reviewed, but we will certainly try!